Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight As preoccupied as he was, Kaiser wasn't so deep in thought that he was unaware of his surroundings. Old habits, you know. As soon as he heard the door sliding open, he instinctively looked around to see who was there. Gunnar.
At the question, he hesitated. It wasn't that Kaiser didn't want Gunnar to sit with him. He did, actually, he really did. The honest truth of the matter was that he was craving company, a friend, a listening ear. But he just didn't want to inflict himself on anyone, and more than anything else he felt that he really didn't deserve any of those things. Then there was the fact that he was planning to do a disappearing act as soon as possible, and if he was reminded of exactly what he would be leaving behind, it would be all the more difficult to go. Not that that would actually stop him, as it was imperative that he leave, but still, it was best not to make it any worse.
But before Kaiser could think of what to say, Gunnar's kneazle had come right on in, and the Slytherin had followed. Kaiser forced a small smile, and leaned his head back against his seat. "That's okay," he replied, also in German, and as though the decision hadn't been taken out of both of their hands anyway. "I can't promise I'll be very good company." No real change there. Kaiser knew he'd been difficult to be around for the last few weeks, to the extent that he was surprised Gunnar even wanted to join him in the compartment.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |