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Old 08-04-2019, 03:19 AM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default The Giant Chessboard

If you are a deep thinker perhaps you'll enjoy the giant chessboard located on the second floor. This is not wizard's chess - the pieces will not attack each other, nor are they large enough to ride upon like a certain other giant chessboard from wizarding history. The pieces are all around four feet tall and they are charmed to move when you touch them, but only in the valid movement patterns for that particular piece. As an added bit of fun, players may opt to take the place of a chess piece and become that piece themselves - there are appropriate hats for each piece in both black and white in a chest by the door. You can even have friends volunteer to be the pieces too if you wish.

Its impossible to cheat with this chessboard so it is quite often used as a method for Beauxbatons students to make decisions or settle any beef they may have with one another. It is of course also used simply for the fun of a good game of chess, by students and professors alike. There are benches dotted with cushions along either side of the room where observers may sit and watch an exciting match unfurl before their eyes. There are also regular-sized, self-playing chess sets here and there around on the benches for those who wish to practice on their own that are charmed to play against you or play out famous moves for you to observe depending on your preference.

If your game on the giant chessboard is running long and you can't complete it, you can save your chessboard's configuration to revisit later simply by recording it in the large book on the pedestal next to the hat chest. When you return, tell the chessboard which page has the configuration you wish to play from and it will set itself up accordingly. The Beauxbatons chess club members meet here on Tuesday evenings after dinner and welcome drop-ins.