I most certainly have my tropes when it comes to charrie creations...though I am not sure I entirely share the sentiment for being a sucker for happy endings

That's a bit subjective for me depending on the character and, quite frankly, who comes in and out of their lives that dictates how their story unfolds. I have a few who I just think are going to be perpetually miserable
I think what I do the most is 'type cast' my characters a bit based on their house. Each fall along a sort of spectrum with the below blanket statements, but in general I feel as though:
- My Hufflepuffs tend to be overtly empathetic and emotional
- My Ravenclaws suppress their emotions and, in general, lack emotional intelligence
- My Slytherins are emo selfish babies
- My Gryffindors are LOUD and have anger management issues
For my characters who are not rooted in Hogwarts, some of this still holds true but sort of as if these Hogwarts houses were there 'secondary' house...if you know what I mean