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I definitely started off with characters I could relate to in some way because I felt like I could understand them and therefore (hopefully) do a better job at portraying them. Eventually as I became more comfortable with my writing and with the people on SS, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and give other personalities a try.
Meredith Moxley was definitely way louder and more blunt than I was used to playing, but it was so refreshing playing someone like this because it is so not who I am.

Same with Harmony Delilah Skylark, who was my flower child ministry baby. I've learned to love playing characters who are a challenge for me because it pushes me to push myself creatively (if that makes any sense, eep)
I thinkkkk that's where playing in houses outside your comfort zone is such a great example for that because it's sort of an EASY way to force yourself to go outside that comfort zone and push yourself .... Not that i need to tell you that, but for anyone who gets nervous or unsure on the resorting thing, this is another plug for that