Wowza! Nerissa had been the entire time, possibly earlier than most people. Certainly early enough to grab a table for herself and pointedly spread her things around it to keep others from joining her. Ancient Runes was complex (difficult) enough without all the distractions that would come with letting someone sit within touching distance.
And despite what she'd told Zai, it was actually more than a bit odd that his mother was the Ancient Runes professor. And healer. It made her feel self-conscious; almost like she was intruding on something. Which was a weird way to feel about something that had nothing to do with her, but she often felt a lot of things that left her feeling quite perplexed, and at turns, aggrieved with herself.
The location wasn't exactly helping, as cute it was.
She sat ramrod straight on her chair, hands resting on her lap, appearing serene, though feeling anything but. Her quick quotes quill took diligent notes from her, though she could see from the corner of her eye that they were messier than they ought to be. Probably her own fault, somehow. Nerissa raised her hand. "would the manner in which the rune was carved--"--or baked, which made her wonder if Beryl had done these herself or had ordered them from Puddifoot's--"have any effect at all and would it qualify as an external factor? If both the conscious and subconscious play a part when a question is asked, wouldn't the same apply to when the rune is being made?"
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