you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway. Holding tight to Niko's hand, Maxie spoke not a word as he slipped into the crowd. Weary, fearful, the Hufflepuff's emotions were like words etched all over his pale face. The truth was- he wasn't ready to leave. He knew this was stupid, but- he couldn't help feeling as if by leaving the castle behind, that he was leaving something of himself behind.
His heart was heavy in his chest, his shoulder slunk.
Never would anyone expect Maxie, of all people, to want to stay behind but here he was- desperately wishing that things were different, that the mist had vanished rather than spread and he and all his friend(s) would be free to remain.
Maxie closed his eyes, his face screwed up tight as he tried not to cry.
__________________ the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence