Thread: Minister's Office: Work Area and Cubicles
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Old 07-23-2019, 02:15 PM   #3 (permalink)
The Announcer
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Ever the communications hub, the Minister's Office had been particularly busy in light of the happenings at Hogwarts. Without the filter of angry letters being received by the school, it meant that the Minister himself was receiving the bulk and that meant a very real influx of interdepartmental memos zipping this way and that.

Flocks of them. Day in and day out.

Today was no different.

But today was also completely different.

Flight paths a little more droopy than usual, these little purple airplanes suddenly began taking things at a nose dive. Literally. No longer were they zipping towards lifts, other offices, and departments. Now the pointy ends were pointed towards the floor and tops of heads.

Whizzing and zipping by, the only influx today was likely to be paper cuts.
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