Join Date: May 2007 Location: London
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Cora Dredworth Sixth Year x1
| connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow SPOILER!!: daisy Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra A benefit (if you could call it that) of being in the Ravenclaw common room was that the Transfiguration classroom was a short distance away so Daisy arrived rather quickly to class. "Good afternoon, Professor Barlow," she greeted with a small and sympathetic smile as she gazed at his face. she totally understood how he felt as she felt exactly the same way.
Daisy had safely tucked inside her bag, a silver bracelet that was decorated with purple butterflies and every now and then, she'd peek inside her bag as she made her way to a desk and sat down. Daisy began to get ready for the lesson which included retrieving the bracelet from her bag and placing it in front of her. “Afternoon to you too, Daisy.” Barlow greeted back, stepping aside to make way for the first of the students to arrive. He was anticipating a few kids would forget to bring an item along with them, but so far so good he was glad to note as he spotted the Hufflepuff set a bracelet down. At least he hoped it was her item. SPOILER!!: jackson Quote:
Originally Posted by Dokimoto Jackson had to wonder what this activity was going to be for... any item, eh? Because he could just bring his normal stuff and claim it was for the activity... He had taken a minute to decide, but in the end he had brought a copy of the Daily Prophet. He entered the room and gave the best smile he could muster to his professor. "Good afternoon, Professor," he said, before taking a seat not too far from Daisy. "Hi, Daisy," he greeted quietly. “An old copy I assume,” Barlow commented, nodding at the Daily Prophet Jackson had brought along. You know, seeing as the delivery owls weren’t able to navigate the mist and all that jazz. “My magazine subscriptions haven’t arrived for bloomin’ weeks….. absolute nightmare!!!” But anyway. “Nice to see you, Mr Thomas.” SPOILER!!: cordelia Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Honestly Cordelia had forgotten that she was supposed to bring an item to class today, but she had several items in her bag so she was just going to wing it with whatever she happened to have with her. "Good afternoon, Professor," she greeted the professor as she entered the room. Finding her seat, Cordelia opened up her bag to look for an item. She reached all the way down into the bottom of her bag and felt around. Her hand grasped the first thing she could find. Cordelia pulled out her arm and saw that the item she had selected for this lesson was... an old lollipop with several used blood glucose test strips stuck to it. Gross. What was that doing in there? Cordelia didn't even want to think of how long the lollipop had been in there. She couldn't even remember putting the lollipop in there in the first place. The young Gryffindor tossed the bloody test strip covered lollipop onto her desk with a look of disgust on her face. Yep, this was her totally pre-planned item that she had definitely remembered to bring to the lesson and it absolutely wasn't just random garbage from the bottom of her bag. Cordelia flashed a smile to the professor as if to say I came to this lesson completely prepared with my item. Everything was just fine over here. “Good day, Cor----”
His words trailed off and he watched with mild curiosity as the young Gryffindor pulled from her bag the most peculiar item. Good job he wasn’t easily grossed out because… well, it looked gross. “I really hope that’s for the task and not a post-lunch snack, Miss Winklebleck.” SPOILER!!: patrick Quote:
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson Patrick walked into the classroom a glum look on his face. He didn’t want to be locked up inside anymore. He missed outside. He missed the sunshine. Sighing he plopped down. “Hello Professor” at least he had listened to the instruction and brought an object with him. He had to dig through his trunk to find it but he found one of his baseballs. Something he wouldn’t be upset if he couldn’t untransfigure the object. He glanced around not sure if he was early or on time or even actually awake....maybe this was all a Dream. The Slytherin Prefect looked down in the dumps and honestly, Barlow couldn’t really say he blamed the boy. “It’s not all bad, Paddy…” Except it kind of really was but optimism, right? SPOILER!!: nina Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack While others were experiencing an unusual shift in overall mood, Nina Castillo's demeanor remained quite honestly the same. Perhaps this was because she was typically quite melancholic to being with? Either way, she was unhappy. Living in the Gryffindor quarters was a horrible experience and after Eloise had read her entire diary, there was really nothing going right. Honestly, the only good thing was that Professor Barlow didn't look like a disheveled hermit crab today. Improvement.
She paused briefly upon making it into the classroom to acknowledge him (she may be judgmental but she wasn't without manners), before quickly making her way to sit towards the middle section of the room. Her object had been within her bag, but as she waited for the lesson to begin she set it on top of her desk along with her quills and parchment. Her object of choice was an old jewelry box. Something she didn't mind refurbishing if there would be a need to. And also something she did not mind showing to the class. This one looked down in the dumps too, but he was sort of used to it from this particular Slytherin. Was it Slytherins in general? Or just this one? She was a good student and he supposed really, that’s all that mattered but it’d be nice to see her smile once in a while.
“Turn that frown upside down, Miss Castillo.” SPOILER!!: lucas Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Did Lucas remember to bring an item?
Yes. Barely.
It was why he was seen turning around on the middle of the staircase and running all the way back to the third year Gryffindor - and Slytherin - dorm only to retrieve the one item he needed for this lesson. Sure, Barlow said they could bring anything but he was pretty set on what he wanted to bring since the last lesson.
With the item in his bag, Lucas finally hurried into the classroom. He glanced quickly around the room, trying to avoid looking out the window for too long as he went, before focusing on Barlow. "Hello, Professor," he said, giving him a smile. And yes, he still had questions about the hair but today still didn't seem like the right day to do that so.....
....... yeah.
He moved to a spare seat somewhere off to the right hand side of the room and started taking out his things. And the item? A very familiar-looking elephant he was told he could keep. It had long since lost its animation charm but that wasn't a reason to throw it out, right? Even if it didn't want to jump into his jug of water anymore. When it came to students, he obviously didn’t have favourites. He would never. It would be wrong to have favourites. He was a Professor. He was here to be unbiased and neutral and to make sure these kids all learnt a thing or two that might help them some day. Except if he absolutely had to pick a favourite young Mr Dakest would definitely be in the running. Shhh. “Lucas!” He offered the youngster a smile right back. “Nice elephant you’ve got there!” SPOILER!!: tina Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy After the common room merges and class relocations, Tina was glad - well, as glad as she could be given the circumstances - that transfiguration had remained unchanged and relatively normal. Talk about ironic… who would've guessed that Barlow's class would be one of the least weird in the school? She entered the classroom with her item, a broken beater's bat, slung over her shoulder. It wasn't like she'd ever use it on the quidditch pitch again, and it wasn't doing any good packed away in her trunk. Might as well bring it with her and find a new use for it… hopefully one that wasn't too crazy. She'd had enough craziness for a while! "Hello, Professor Barlow," she greeted, giving the man a polite nod of acknowledgment. As she did, she noticed his disheveled appearance, like even more so than usual, and she felt a fresh wave of anger at Trent's refusal to evacuate the castle. First Thereos, now Barlow, not to mention countless students… how much more would morale have to deteriorate before something was done?
Tina took an available seat near Daisy, propping her bat neatly against her chair, and tried to distract her thoughts by neatly arranging her textbook, quill, and parchment. *As she looked up, she noticed the bracelet her neighbor had and smiled slightly at the butterfly decorations. What were the odds of that? "I like your bracelet," she said quietly. "Did you make it yourself?" She had half a mind to ask Daisy if she knew anybody from Beauxbatons, specifically House Papillonlisse - whose mascot was a purple butterfly, on the off chance that bracelet held the same significance as her own butterfly jewelry, but that was a conversation for another time. She didn't want to get in trouble for disrupting class, and besides, it was kind of a weird question anyway. “How do you do, Tina?” Barlow welcomed the Ravenclaw with a cheery wave. Despite his usual dishevelled appearance he was in a chipper mood. “You didn’t take a wrong turn did you? This is Transfiguration, not Quidditch practice.” You know, because of the beater’s bat. Haha, he was so funny. SPOILER!!: analiese Quote:
Originally Posted by SneakySeverusSnape Analiese walked into the classroom with a rather moody expression on her face. Being cooped up inside was very irritating. She waited at the doorway for a few seconds to acknowledge Professor Barlow. "Good afternoon, p-professor." She then proceeded to take a seat at the front of the classroom. She reached into her bag to retrieve the item she had brought with her. It... wasn't there. The youngster realised she must have forgotten to put it in her book bag before the lesson. She decided to wing it and reached into her bag for whatever she could find. She pulled out a cyan-coloured ribbon and placed it on the desk. The look of panic that masked Analiese’s face didn’t go unnoticed and Barlow was juuuuust about to assure the first year that it was okay. He figured there would be kids that would forget items so he had brought along a few random bits and bobs just in case, but alas. She had a ribbon. “That’ll work well with what we have planned for today,” he said kindly, “good job.” SPOILER!!: austin Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Austin walked into the classroom.
"Afternoon professor," he said quietly. He noticed he didn't look in the best of moods either. Nobody did nowadays. Austin shrugged and sat on a chair. Reaching into his bag, he took out a small teddy bear that he decided to bring. “Welcome to class, Austin.” Another sad kid? It was an epidemic!
And as for the teddy bear? Well, Barlow frowned a little. He hadn’t anticipated anyone bringing a stuffed toy and wasn’t entirely sure if that would work but….. they’d cross that bridge later. SPOILER!!: eloise Quote:
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok Eloise was in a good mood for once. She had preoccupied her time reading Nina's diary and circe was their some good stuff in there. Also, some really sad stuff that made her feel sorry for the girl. But anyway she walked into the classroom with a smile on her face which probably looked like she was up to something. Which is also true but none of anyone's concern "Hiya Professor Barlow, did you get any sleep at all last night or even a nap before class?"
He looked more tired than Nina did when she was constantly worrying about her diary. Question asked and curiosity settled she took a seat next to Nina. Since she didn't want to be bored all class and could have some fun bothering her. "Nina" Oooh nice jewelry box. Eloise hadn't brought anything fancy just a broken mp3 player. She broke it falling early in the year trying to nail a new trick. Wasnt the smartest thing she ever did. Eloise seemed to be in good spirits he was glad to see and Barlow cracked a grin at her cheeky greeting. Some professors may have given her a scolding but he appreciated her wisecracks. “As a matter of fact I did sneak a quick forty winks so better be on your best behaviour today, Miss Fairfield!”
And at least Nina had a friend now. Maybe the other Slytherin girl would cheer up a little.
It was time to get going and after having closed the door (sorry stragglers, no sneaking in), Barlow moved to face the class. “Seems like most of you remembered to bring an item to class with you today,” he started, taking his usual spot and hopping up to sit on the edge of his desk. His legs swung a little. “Transfiguration is a broad subject and there’s a LOT we could do with the items you’ve brought along. Even with an assortment as random as this. Who’s got any examples of what we could do?”
Any takers? OOC: Thanks guys! Class has officially started so if you wanna play, have your character react as if they’ve been here all along OR have them face the consequences if they roll in late. Another 24 hours or so before we move on!
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