pft? US? stirring trouble?? as if doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo She was starting to run out of stretches, which was not good as there was an entire lesson she needed pass by. Thus, even though she felt entirely stretched out, she continued holding various positions. Drewett provided a welcome distraction with his nearby presence, and his words were encouraging. She gave him a worried sort of look and nodded, but didn’t plan on following his lead. Sorry.
Especially not after the “question” Eloise had shouted out loud.
While Drewett chose not to take it seriously, Nina shrunk into her collar a little bit. She wanted to throw some retort back in response, but she knew better than to act up in class. Especially because she didn’t want to receive any more attention that had already been given to her this lesson. How was she meant to get away with not doing the activity if everyone had their eyes on her? Perhaps this contributed to why she felt so grateful for Gunnar McCarthy in this moment. He stood up for her (and Drewett). Though he was currently skating the length of the room, Nina watched him with appreciation filling her eyes and a small smile tugging at her lips. She’d have to thank him after class.
She was only shaken from her thoughts when she heard the sound of Professor Sandhu’s voice and saw the hurried motions. Oh no. Again, she had plenty she could argue with, but causing trouble during class was not something she enjoyed. So instead, she turned her head over to that Lucas kid (who evidently had the same idea she had) and gave him a resigned sort of look before moving to put on her pair of skates. Slowly.
Unfortunately she couldn’t stall forever and evidentially after lacing up both pair of skates, she began her way around, skating a single lap. Despite KNOWING that there was a stabilizing charm (that was very much working and helping), Nina FELT uneasy. So much so that as she skated around the room, she had her arms outstretched before her and kept VERY close to the walls.
Only after her first lap she took out her wand (which felt like a complete SAFETY HAZARD) and tethered herself to the pole, ”kre-ah-re OR-bis,” eeeek! She had been prepared for a gentle tug, but it still startled her and made her arms swing EVERYWHERE. It was only then that she noticed Professor Sandhu coming up behind her. ”EEEEeeeeeeek!”
…………… TAG? Tag you’re it???
What kind of foolish nonsense was this?? Nina looked over at their Professor and gave the woman a look. She had put on the skates and did an entire lap. Wasn’t that ENOUGH torture for the day??? Feeling utterly helpless, the Slytherin looked forward again, arms outstretched and skating slowly (and as close to the walls as possible), in attempt to tag the next person and rid herself of the responsibility.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon!
Last edited by ArianaBlack; 07-09-2019 at 04:10 PM.