The Office of Pierson Fuller-Thompson The traditional office space for the Charms Professor wasn't Piers' first choice of an office - that was why the man had chosen to stay in the hut on the grounds (and because of his other position as groundskeeper). But since the mysterious mist had spread throughout Hogwarts grounds and proved to be a danger for himself, his dogs, and everyone at the school, Piers had no choice but to move his office to inside the castle - the office space that he had used 14 years ago when he first taught at Hogwarts.
His office looks similar to what it did over a decade ago. Simply decorated, comfortable over stylish, and full of books; charms books, charms theory, magical theory, history books, non-fiction and biographies and other books of the likes. In the middle of the office is a plain wooden desk with stacks of papers and homework assignments on them. Behind the desk is a comfortable chair for the Professor himself. Across from his desk sit two chairs for any visitors he might have and behind those, a couch for the occasional post-class nap.
If you would like to speak with Professor Fuller, please knock on the door and he will invite you in... If he feels like it.