Thread: Duelling Arena
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Old 07-06-2019, 06:04 AM   #67 (permalink)
Forbidden Forest Centaur
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Forbidden Forest
Posts: 144

Clip.......... clop clip .........clop clip clop

It had been a close call but Thereos was here by the grace of a few well time flippant sticks of wizarding nature. Entering the room with a bit of a limp (one of his hind legs had suffered a nasty twist while trying to take some staircases as a leap when the mist had begun its encroachment and prior to ramps being conjured for his hooves, the centaur found himself witnessing what fear and panic did to human nature as the headmaster, O'Hara, and Cornish appeared to have each other locked in some sort of verbal conflict was warring glances. Or at least that was how such behaviors read to a centaur like himself.

"Now is not the time to turn on one another," he spoke firmly as he limped further in and rested a strong hand on the shoulder of the youngling known as Chloe McCarthy. Though his were were, ironically, not meant for the youths present but those meant to mentor and guide them. And particularly for the History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures professors respectively. Do not make the centaur regret further his decision to take leave of his colony in favor of those now trapped within these walls.

The humans needed to pull themselves together.

His slightly colder, wilder, brown eyes looked down at the young Ravenclaw with regret as he recalled their brief chat earlier in the week as she placed posters for her dear missing friend. He had held his tongue then, as he would now, on his perceived fate of the boy. Though all he offered was a regretful shake of the head.
MARS IS BRIGHT TONIGHT.................................................. ............................

His priority did not seem to be to teach them what he knew... .................................................. ......
but rather to impress upon them that nothing, not even centaurs' knowledge, was foolproof
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