Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite It was.....just a tad more calming to hear some of the responses. A tad because while he knew that intellectually these children knew these answers, they hadn’t been able to put them into practice when the real danger had appeared. Reinforcing this was the only thing left to do. Should they find themselves in danger again, there was no guarantee he or any other member of staff would be there. What would happen to them then if their first instinct was to panic and cry?
The thought chilled the man to the bone. He needed them to all be okay and ready, no matter what. “Yes.” He affirmed Tamesis’s reply. “None of that nonsensical screaming and running around. You have to be quiet and fully assess the situation that you’re in before you take any actions at all.” Please please please tell him they were listeni—oh for the love of Merlin.
It took no time for an unimpressed scowl to set in as first Toddles then Tinka burst in shattering the false calm he’d managed to bring to the room. The Headmaster’s brows knitted, perplexed while he listened. Fluffsies? Cupcakes? “Wait, the kitchens are safe?” When he spoke, his voice was calm. On some level, he was trying to bring them down to his level of non panic. “Stop. Breathe. We’re not under attack.” If the kitchen was safe....the common rooms with their sealed entrances likely were too. He shifted his gaze to Beezley who next appeared seeming entirely unaware of anything that was happening. Ah to be blissfully ignorant. “I’d like your help with a bit of retrieval.” But He’d have to get back to that in a minute. At the moment he was still working it all out in his head. Smethwyck had a good point as well, another that would prove useful. “That’s right, stick together as much as possible. Try to avoid walking alone. At the first sign of danger, don’t try to be a hero, book it out of there back to safety and alert the nearest professor or myself.” Whoever was easiest to find. “I’ll be getting to that in a minute, Katharos.” Malachi understood the terror and confusion but there was no need to jump ahead of themselves in the conversation. One thing at a time. “But that’s an extremely important point I need everyone to listen to. Stay calm. It won’t always be easy, but it benefits no one to panic and run wild or break down in tears. You put yourself at greater risk. Assess the situation. What’s happening? What’s the best way out? You need a clear head.”
The Headmaster, for all his trying, still felt his eyes widen at Calrissian’s suggestion. What madness would drive the prefect to such terrible judgement? Rasting is right. That mist is thick and misleading. We don’t know how high up it goes and we don’t truly know what lurks in there and it’s easier than anything to get turned around when you’re in it. A professor cannot sit on a broom with each student to keep you all safe and on track and I can’t trust that students will stay the course no matter what they may experience. It’s the surest way to lose more people.” He’d seen the students reacting on the GROUND to the mist. After that sight, not even with a month of sleep deprivation would he trust them to safely fly a broom through their terrors. No. He could see most of them terrified, panicked and dead. Another thought to bring the chill within his bones.
The nodded at Winklebleck. “At a time like this it is important to exercise caution. Don’t go barrelling through the corridors senselessly. There is danger. Let’s be smart about how we get around the castle.”
Did Dakest’s response surprise him? Not after being the boy’s defense professor, no. He could tell that he was panicked but to his credit, he was not screaming and looking like he could expire at any second. Small blessings. “Getting away from the mist would be the ideal reaction, yes. Don’t go toward, don’t attempt to go through it. Turn back. Always.”
Which tied in perfectly with Montague’s statement. “Absolutely. Constant vigilance. Now more than ever. We’ll all have to pay far more attention to our surroundings.”
Malachi caught the voice of the Ravenclaw Prefect, what they would do was actually next on the agenda. “Everyone listen carefully.” He paused, in case there were any more elves who wanted to bust in. When none came, he continued. “By now, I’m sure many of you have heard, two students have gone missing. Their parents have been notified and I’ve reached out to the ministry. Until a solution can be brought forward, you will all need to take great care. For the time being, Gryffindors you will share your common room with the Slytherins. Hufflepuffs, you’ll be in Ravenclaw Tower. If what the elves have said is true, the common rooms will still be sealed and safe. They will fetch your belongings and bring them to the respective common room.” He turned again to the elves. “Get the other elves involved. Tell them meals will now be served in either common room and that they too should be staying away from the mist.” The kitchen was safe, the elves didn’t need to try being heroes either. “Does anyone have any questions?”
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 07-05-2019 at 12:24 AM.