Thread: Charms Lesson 1
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Old 06-28-2019, 06:18 AM   #59 (permalink)

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Louis Bracken
Sixth Year

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Text Cut: Answers to specific questions
Originally Posted by gritandgrace View Post
Eni caught something the Professor had said, "Professor? You said it would prevent someone else from summoning the object; does this mean that the caster of the charm could still summon the object or is there a way to make that exception? If so, that could be quite handy." That's something she would be very interested in learning!

In the meantime Eniola took to practicing the charm, maybe she could finally keep her brother out of her things when she goes home for the summer. That would be a relief!

"Non voco furtum. Non voco furtem. Non voco furtem..." She continued to repeat and double tap the object. Eni knew she probably wouldn't get it right away, but it still would've been nice; she chuckled to herself at the thought.
Piers had been wandering, watching the students work, but he paused beside Eni to listen to her question. And a good question it was. ”In this case, no. With this particular incantation, the object becomes un-summonable altogether. There is, however, a more complex spell with a more complex charms theory that allows the caster of the charm to summon their so called “un-summonable” object. That’s more advanced.” And was harder to explain. But if she wanted to learn more she could ask him about it oustide of class sometime.

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Rylee hadn't raised her hand to give an answer to the question but she was thinking about quite a list of things that she would put this particular charm on. Like say... her bag and the entire contents of her trunk that was up in her dorm. That did pose one question though and she was curious enough to raise her hand and ask. "Professor... if I placed the charm on say a jewelry box than all the items inside would be unsummonable as you said... but does the charm work on each individual item inside the box or just the box itself? What I mean is... if say I take a ring out of the charmed box would someone then be able to summon the ring?" This was important honestly. If the items were only safe inside the box she would have to rethink what she would really put the charm on and what she wouldn't.

Anti-summoning charm. Non Voco Furtum. It basically meant 'no theft' in Latin. Sort of. The translation wasn't spot on with how it was worded now but broken down she was able to figure it out. Learning Latin had become very important over the last year or two. Anyhow... it was time to focus on practicing the charm. "Non Voco Furtum...Non Voco Furtum.." Rylee repeated several times to herself working on not only on the pronunciation of the charm but how it felt as she said it.
Stopping again when another question was brought up, Piers nodded, thankful for another question. ”Excellent question. When you cast this anti-summoning charm on the box, it takes effect on the box itself rather than the contents of it. While the contents remain inside the box, they cannot be summoned. But once they leave the box - or the container with the charm in place - they can be summoned.” So, the charm was placed on the box, not the contents. Make sense?

Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Her answer had been very specific - specific to her. It was the sort of thing that absolutely no one else in this class would be concerned about but it could literally be the difference between life and death for her, so yeah, she cared about her medical equipment being summonable when needed. Cordelia was excited to try out this charm. Not that she owned anything valuable enough to want to use it on. Really, she had no idea if it was worth placing this charm on anything she owned. ”If the owner of the object is still able to summon items that an anti-summoning charm has been placed on, does it really matter if the charm is placed on things you want to summon or not?” Like, you would theoretically still be able to summon your own socks to you even if you had placed an anti-summoning charm on them, right? Not that socks were the type of thing anyone would want to protect with anti-theft magic in the first place. Who in their right mind would go around stealing other people’s socks? Whether or not she found a practical use for this charm, she was going to put full effort into learning this charm. Cordelia started out by practicing the incantation. ”Non voco furtum. Non voco furtum. Non voco furtum. Non voco furtum. Non voco furtum.” That should be enough practice saying it, right? The wand movement was simple enough that she didn’t even need to practice tapping the box to be able to do that part correctly. She was ready to try the spell on her box. ”Non voco furtum.” Cordelia tapped twice on the box with her wand. Now to summon it to see if the charm had worked. ”Accio box!” The box enthusiastically leaped from her desk, almost hitting her face in its quest to reach her. That obviously didn’t work. Cordelia caught the box and placed it back on her desk. This time it was going to work, she had a good feeling about it. ”Non voco furtum,” she said the incantation as she tapped the box twice with her wand. Confident that it would work this time, Cordelia tried summoning the box. ”Accio box!” Cordelia cast a summoning charm to see if the anti-summoning charm had worked on it. Hey look at that, it wasn’t moving! She had done it! Her victory was short lived, however, when only seconds later someone else’s box from a nearby desk landed in front of her next to her own box. What??? Clearly someone else in the class had also failed at casting the anti-summoning charm, and clearly she hadn’t focused enough on the specific box she wanted to summon. ”Uh, is this anyone’s box?” Cordelia held up the newly arrived box for everyone to see. Well, this was embarrassing. At least maybe the anti-summoning charm on her own box had worked?
This girl’s question was similar to a previous student’s question, so Piers imagined she had been busy at work when he had answered it just a moment ago. So he would repeat himself. ”With this particular incantation, the object you are charming becomes un-summonable altogether. There is, however, a more complex spell with a more complex charms theory that allows the caster of the charm to summon their so called “un-summonable” object. That’s more advanced.” And was harder to explain, which was why this was all he was saying. But she too was welcome to see him outside of class about it.

Once Piers had wandered around the room a few times and was moderately pleased by the success some of the students were showing, he walked back up to the front of the classroom. ”Alright everyone, we’re going to move on to a game. Everyone loved games, right? ”I need you all to stand up and move away from your desks. Come on, up, up.” Piers waved his hands a little to usher everyone out of their seats. Once they were up, he waved his wand to the right... and to the left... and all the desks slid up against the wall, maneuvering around each student so as not to hit them.

With another wave of his wand, all the boxes they had been working on, whether they were successful in placing the charm or not floated from the desks and landed in two separate piles in the middle of the room.

”I would like you all to split up into TWO teams. I’m going to remove the charms you have placed on your boxes. With your team, you will need to both place anti-summoning charms on your own team’s boxes AND try to steal boxes from the other team by using the summoning charm. You get to decide how many people you have summoning and how many people you have charming.” Piers paused for a heavy moment to let the instructions sink in. ”The more boxes you charm on your own team, the fewer will be stolen. If you haven’t quite mastered the spell yet, this is a good opportunity for you to try again.” Which meant this activity was about LEARNING. Not winning. ”The team with the most boxes when I say STOP wins.” Just to make it competitive.

Okay. Were they ready? ”Alright, go! Split into two teams - you have TEN SECONDS.” Because he was hungry and there was some beef stew somewhere calling his name, but class needed to end first.

”TEN.... NINE.... EIGHT.... SEVEN.... SIX.... FIVE.... FOUR.... THREE.... TWO.... ONE -- GO!”

And let the chaos begin.

OOC: Welcome to the main activity! (Sorry I wasn’t able to answer the questions earlier - I was having laptop issues.) Hopefully the instructions are clear.

1) Split into two teams. I won’t do it for you. In the title of your post, indicate whether you are Team One or Team Two. It would be helpful if the first person to post after me went to Team One and the second person went to Team Two, the third person Team One again, and so on and so forth, BUT I won’t be monitoring it. It’s not a big deal but TRY to make them even.

2) Decide whether your character is going to charm their own team’s boxes OR summon boxes from the other team and then make it happen!

Do these two things in one post! You can make as many posts as you’d like, but since Piers did a countdown, the activity begins NOW so don’t worry too much about selecting a team or a position and just start firing away! If you have any questions, shoot me a message! You have four days to have as much fun as you want.

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