HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Graínne was about ready to close the door and head back into the great hall for breakfast. THERE WAS A HAND ON HER SHOULDER – oh, oh! Had anyone gone out there? ”n-no sir, no one went out there…” she had almost, but she had heard stories of how chilling and fear indusing that fog really truly was. ”would you like me to get some tall people to help?” she asked as she looked up at the rather tall headmaster…well, tall indeed compared to her. After all even with spells she probably couldn’t even reach the tallest of the windows.
Pushing the sleeves of her shirt up her arms she couldn’t help but smile. Yes, yes – maybe this would be good. She’d be able to help people and maybe that would be good right? Maybe then Laim would stop being such a jerk. Wait this was liam he’d never not be a jerk. "i'll go find some tall gryffindors..." they'd help.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |