Avalon breathed a sigh of relief at the professor's response. At least he didn't think she was totally stupid and disrespectful. As for the latter part of his question back to her, she thought for a moment. Sure, merpeople had language and music. But were they really as complex as human beings? She supposed that if they had enough wits to create their own culture, they probably were. "I definitely think they are as smart as humans. Maybe even smarter. I just wanted to hear your opinion on it," she said truthfully. Avalon liked hearing Cornish's thoughts about magical creatures. He always had some wisdom to impart. She always felt like she left his classes a bit more informed than she was at the beginning.
As for his opinion on the classification of magical creatures, the first year certainly understood his reasoning. While she usually enjoyed categorizing things -- organizing was a hobby of hers -- it seemed stifling to put all creatures into a category. However, she also saw the other side of the argument, too. The classification system helped preserve safety and understanding of creatures. To be perfectly honest, she was torn.
But at least they were going to meet the merrows! Avalon had never encountered a merperson before. Making her way over to the box, she grabbed a few bright aqua, silver, and gold beads, along with a string. Now, should she make a bracelet, necklace, or something entirely different?