The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Text Cut: one and two Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack There was absolutely nothing appealing about a maze. Well, there wasn't. Not until today. Because today she wanted to get lost, to get away from the castle. There were plenty of people she needed to avoid and surely those people would be avoiding the maze. And therefore, Nina would not be avoiding the maze.
Though the good idea was only good for the first five minutes. Because after then, Nina was absolutely positive that she had seen that particular stalk before. Ultimately, Nina Castillo had decided that she hated being lost, that this was a foolish idea, and that she wanted to go back to her room!!!! So with a very well defined frown on her face, Nina continued to circle around this death trap.
When she heard a voice. She couldn't SEE who it belonged to, as there was a wall of maize blocking the way... But. "... Hello?" she tried in reply. Maybe the other person knew the way out!
Hopefully it was a cute boy. Quote:
Originally Posted by iekenstein Once again Cel was out on her usual run, although there wasn't much usual about it other than that she usually went running at some point during the day. Where she went or how long she went out depended on what distracted her first. Sometimes it was a tree to climb or an older kid to laugh at for being booooooooring. Today it was a maze. Maybe she could have a laff at the poor unfortunate soul stuck in the maze or perhaps she'd end up getting lost and oh no, run out of time to do her homework. A clear win.
So off she went, casually jogging into the maze. A left there and a few rights and another left and......... mazes really weren't all that great were they? Just all the same, like. But she was here now, so she'd best stick around to see what she could find. It wasn't long until she did find something. Or hear something, at least. Someone was looooost.
Perfect. Céline came to a halt, trying to figure out if she knew whoever it was that sounded lost and how best to spook them. OMG IT HAD WORKED???? "HELLO!" Anahera called back again, sounding a little amused now. "Where are you?" The who didn't seem all that pertinent to her in that very moment. She took another couple of steps into a random direction, hoping for a turn that would lead her to whoever that voice belonged to. Hopefully they'd know the way out.
Or were at least good company on the way out of this maze.
The way out she was never going to find on her own. Ever. Literally. Proven by the fact that she was now standing in front of another wall of maize. Well, this had definitely been the wrong direction then. "This is a dead end." Anahera called out to The Voice and turned on her heels to walk back the way she'd come from. |