02-26-2018, 04:20 AM
Work Area and Cubicles Not far past the lobby you will find the Main Work Area and Cubicles. The colors of the office are a cool gray, crisp white and a splash of bright coral and green throughout the floor. The majority of the back wall has been transformed into a floor to ceiling picture window, the view magically changing throughout the day.
Small clusters of desks and cubicles can be seen dotted around the work area. These sections are divided up into the various divisions within Level One for organisation's sake. If you have been assigned a workspace here, you are likely sharing a cluster with someone you may need to work closely with at some point. There are a few tables here and there for small morning meetings and collaborative work.
Around the corner from the main work area, you will find the private offices which some senior employees have been assigned to for their day to business. Some of the private offices are shared between two or three employees, depending on the nature of their work, but these employees are still likely to travel back and forth to the main work areas with some regularity. Other offices here are empty and may be booked by employees who may need a more private place to work on more sensitive tasks. The Junior Undersecretary's office can also be accessed from this section as well, should you need them.
A large cabinet sits towards the front and centre of the Work Area, complete with all of the work essentials such as spare parchment and quills, magical copier equipment, a watercooler, and the all important noticeboard. Comfortable seating areas are also available for informal work place discussions, or for those members of the public who have been directed to wait to be seen.