06-06-2019, 02:30 PM
DADA Lesson 2 - What Makes You Dark? There’s nothing spectacular about the classroom as you walk in today. No charms to make it entirely unrecognisable and no creatures likely to threaten your very feeling of safety. What is present is the decorations hung in jolly fashion in light of the festive season.
The desks are lined in neat rows, awaiting the arrival of their occupants. On the board reads a sign that says: “Drop your homework in the box before taking your seat”. The box in question sits on Headmaster Trent’s desk and perched against the edge of the desk is the Headmaster himself.
Did you remember your essay? All 24 inches of it?
To one corner, there is a pile of unknown things, stacked and covered by cloth. Those are of no concern for now. Come on in and prepare for the afternoon’s lesson. OOC: Welcome to another DADA lesson!! Lost track of time with getting this up but here it is <3 Don't forget to read the classroom rules before posting. I'll have the first question up in 20-24 hours 
The lesson hasn't started yet CLASS HAS BEGUN! Class progression: Greetings + First Question |