Goodness Gracious Heavens Above!
Never late and always arriving precisely when she meant to (though even dearly departed Marion could admit that she was not as punctual as she prided herself to be this day), the former Astronomy professor had arriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiived! "Why Helloooooooooooooooo, my dears," she greeted while gliding right through the living person that was the Gryffindor prefect [Hey Ju]. "Oh goodness graaaaaaaaacious me! Terribly sorry, my dear. I did not even SEE you there! Look alive, now! OH HOHOHOHOHOHOOOOO!"
Her humor was siiiiiiiiiimply marvelous!
Oh goodness gracious. Now just WHO had set off darling Myrtle again? Though it was not difficult to do so. No matter, Marion would simply permit the others to handle that.
With a grand flap of one of her translucent arms, Marion greeted her dear DARLING friend Dolly. Such a doll, truly. Such a marveloooooous heart to heart last term. They had MUCH to bond over you see. Both meeting their ends by means of unnecessary consumption via Hogwarts invader.
"Oh Alice, darliiiiiing. So absolutely LOVELY of you to include your students in today's festivities." she inquired of the professor. "Do you need anything of dear old Marion, my dear?"
This WAS an instructional period for these young dears.
But where WAS the Death Day boy, hmmmm? Marion needed to smother his cheeks in affectionate kisses. One semi translucent form did look very much like another. Oh dear.