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Old 06-02-2019, 11:01 PM
Waterloo Waterloo is offline
Default Transfiguration Lesson 1 - Could it be Magic??

Early mornings definitely weren’t a favourite of his. Especially cold, early mornings. His hair was a wild, unruly tangle and his robes were crumpled and disheveled but the main thing, the IMPORTANT thing, was that Barlow was here. On time. Just about. He hadn’t woken up in time for breakfast but he had woken up in time to at least warm up the Transfiguration classroom with a few well-placed heating charms.

Other than that, it was the standard classroom setup today. Nothing special. Nothing out of the ordinary. Don’t let that fool you though, because it wasn’t about to be a standard, ordinary class. Not as far as Barlow was concerned anyway. He had something special up his sleeve, something close to his heart and hopefully something that would make this cold, early morning worthwhile.

The Transfiguration professor perched himself on his desk, legs swinging as he sipped from his steaming thermos flask and waited for the students to file in.
OOC: Hello, hello, hello and welcome! I’m sure you all know the drill but remember to follow the rules and remember that although this is the first RP’d class, it won’t be the first class your kiddos have had with Barlow. Come on in and let’s plaaaay! (:

Class Progress
Question 1
Mini Activity
Question 2