urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse .......... Focus!
Lucas shook his head. Come on! This was when he needed to focus! He even slapped tapped his cheeks back and forth, just in case it helped. But most of the problem was because he was just sitting here instead of doing something. Not that he didn't mind not doing things but..... this was just watching a plant grow. It was growing fast which, yeah, was exciting but still boring.
So, getting up, he decided to go and grab some fertiliser while he waited. Sutton had said it would take, uh - he looked at the board quickly - oh, five minutes? For twelve inches? So he had two and a half minutes before he had to be back with the fertiliser if he wanted to be back in time. This was...... okay for now but he had a feeling that when the watering can came into play, he might not be so lucky.
Grabbing the fertiliser, he jogged back to his trees, holding his dropper up like a sword. Maybe he really should've picked a spot closer to the cauldron. This was..... fine for now but when he needed to add in the water and still make it back in time? That...... was going to be tough. And it would mean a LOT of exercise from him.
This was the one time when he'd consider flying, instead.
Reaching the trees, he waited a moment or two to see if the trees reached the six inches mark before adding a drop of fertiliser in each one. And then? And then he was walking back to the cauldron again for more fertiliser. It..... was a little annoying that they had to keep going back and forth - not to mention a complete waste of time - but he.... would keep quiet.
When he'd squirted up two drops of fertiliser, Lucas wandered back to the trees again, only to see that they were now nearing - uh, he measured quickly with the yardstick - a foot tall! One whole foot! They grow fast, don't they? Was this what parents felt like with kids? Because he had gotten a LOT of relatives telling him that he was growing too quickly which...... he still didn't know if it was a good thing or not. He was going to say it was good, though.
One drop of fertiliser went onto each of the trees, this time followed by a litre of water as well. He didn't even stop to see the effect, he simply wandered back to the cauldron again, filling up the dropper and the water as well. Heading back to his trees was even more of a challenge now. He tried to jog back to the trees but....... well. The water was starting to splash around a lot, some drops even splashing out of the can itself. Uh....... this would be fine, right? Don't spill the water, don't spill the water, don't do it Lulu
The third year reached the trees a little soaked in water but otherwise glad to be there. He hardly stopped to check the size of the trees - they had to be right..... right? - but, instead, just dumped the fertiliser in. And then, before he could rest, he'd have to go back for some more. Merlin!
This process continued back and forth. The boredom was starting to settle in. Why? Because this was boring. He was doing the same thing a LOT of times for a tree that was growing very quickly - faster than he can keep up with. And he wasn't even there to see it grow properly because he was running back and forth! Not to mention that all this walking was slowly having a toll on his feet, which just wanted to rest.
How long it had taken, he didn't know. It almost felt as though he was running back and forth for ages - occasionally bumping into people as he went. But soon enough, the tree had reached his height, which meant that there was no more fertiliser or water needed. Thank Merlin! This process was close to stopping and he was going to be very happy about that.
One last trip was made to the front, this time to get some of that red liquid that would stop the trees from growing. What was it? Was it harmful? How did it stop the trees from growing? He didn't know and didn't even want to ask right now. He just wandered back, almost zombie-like, and added the dropper full of vial to the trees.
And with that, he was done. DONE.
And so, Lucas flopped down onto the ground. He didn't even care about decorating right now, he just wanted a nap.
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