Name: Jess
Age: early 30s
Location: USA
Find me on Goodreads: I'm terrible with updating, but
here Preferred Reading Format: Physical or eBook; it's just SO convenient to be able to read on my kindle (or with the kindle app on my phone) without having to lug a book everywhere, cause I never know when I might have a moment to read
What was the first book you remember reading? I wanna say Sweet Valley Kids, Goosebumps, Beverly Clearly novels, Ronald Dahl novels,
Tell us about your favourites! Books: Harry Potter Series, Looking for Alaska, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Best of Me, ...
Authors: JK Rowling, John Green, and Mitch Albom come to mind first
Genres: I used to be really big on sappy romance, but I get tired of it... so uh, YA?