PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): Ayana was well aware that Britain was very different from Ethiopia. She was also aware that flying in British weather must be vastly more complex for a non-native owl. She was considerate of all of these major differences. But Ayibe has been in England for several years now, not to mention the amount of cross continent trips he has made, so his insistence on hiding in the owlery instead of resting in her office was simply to frustrate her and nothing more.
Grumbling to herself, her letter to home tucked safely in her rose red robes, Ayana climbed up to the Hogwarts owlery with every intention of chiding her unruly owl, when she was met with quite an unusual sight. There was the Headmaster, doing what she assumed was his best bird imitation. She would have questioned this dance had she not immediately then noticed the numerous non-owl birds lining the walls.
And Ayibe, looking as unpleased as ever, squished between two large birds. Serves him right. "Need a hand?" Ayana made her presence known, looking between Malachi and the offending birds. "I suppose this isn't a normal migration route for most of these birds?" she asked as she, too, began to methodically shoo the birds away, with less arm flapping and more pointed, stern requests with methodical arm gesturing. Very different from flapping.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |