SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by
Birchwoodmom Kassie gave a little nod towards Holly as she passed by and got ready for the lesson.
Kassie glanced down at her watch and noted it was time for class to start. "Welcome to our lesson, everyone. I know that a lot of you have your own boots and dragonhide gloves. However, please do feel free to use the boots and gloves provided. Especially the gloves. I find that for what we will be doing today, the dragonhide gloves are a bit too, well, protective. The cloth gardening gloves will give your hands more freedom. Still up to you which you would rather use."
She moved a few steps forward to be closer to the students. "I don't wish to run out of daylight, so let’s begin. I’m sure you are wondering what we will be doing today, and maybe how much hands-on work will be involved.” She gave them a smile as she gestured towards the tools. “But, before we get to work, I have a few questions for you. First off, what can you tell me about evergreen trees?” She wanted to hear it all from them. Types, where they grew best, how big they got, what they could be used for…
Holly saw that nod… and after a split-second, gave the Professor a small smile. She was tired, but that didn’t mean that she was rude. Her Mama wouldn’t like if she was rude just because she was tired. That definitely wasn’t how manners worked.
Waiting patiently for the class to start, the brunette twirled her hair around her finger, swaying slightly as she hummed a song in head. A song that she couldn’t remember the words too, andwith only had the tiniest bit of the tune to work with… well, she was never going to figure out what she had stuck in her head at this rate. Sighing, she pulled her attention away from the repeating music in her head and focused on the Professor.
And then, with a grin on her face, she pushed her hand into the air.
”Holly.” She paused for a second or two… Y’know cause it was fun.
”Holly, is a type of evergreen.” Hehe. Just like she was ever-happy. Holly was a constant type of thing. She liked that about herself.
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by
Birchwoodmom Once the last student had answered, Kassie continued with the lesson. She grabbed her gloves from her pocket and slowly put them on while she spoke. "I'm very pleased with the well thought out answers you all have given. Now that we all know just a little bit more about evergreen trees, let's move on with today's activity." Moving over to one of the smaller wooden boxes, Kassie lived the lid to reveal a pile of yardsticks.
"Today we will be planting and growing Rapid Growth Blue Spruce trees." She paused, knowing there was much more to say about the trees, but she knew that they needed to get going with the field prep before she went into detail. Otherwise, they were going to run out of time. "More on that in a moment. Before we can get to the growing, we need to prep the field. What I would like each of you to do is grab a yardstick and a shovel, then head out on the field. You will each be planting two trees, so you need to prep two holes. Each hole needs to be one foot deep, one foot in diameter, and three feet apart from any other holes. Pile the soil near the hole for planting the seeds. The field is plenty large enough so feel free to spread out." She gestured to the plowed field. "It's up to you if you wish to dig the hole with the shovel or use a gouging spell. Either way, the measurements need to be as exact as possible." Her eyes scanned the class, hoping for no questions before she set them loose on the task. "Well, let's get to it. I don't want to run out of daylight. Once everyone has finished their holes, we will move on to the next question."
Blue Spruce…. Were the leaves blue? She’d be disappointed if they weren’t. It sounded misleading if they weren’t going to be blue… and she had always liked that Evergreen’s seemed fairly obvious for what they were. If they weren’t blue, she’d need to find out why they were called blue in the first place… but she’d need to wait and see…. See what the leaves looked like.
She hoped that they were blue though.
Moving into the muddy field, she looked around pondering where she would be best to plant them. Away from anything tall so that it would get sunlight… but in general it wouldn’t matter. The soil would help it grow… right? Though, it was a magical plant so she doubted that anything she could do it would actually hinder it. Magic liked to override personal capabilities like that.
Dragging her shovel in one hand and one of the yardsticks in the other, Holly moved up the field to stand in an area where noone else was. ……… Yeah, this would be fine. Yup. Nibbling on her lip, she made a slight indent where she wanted to dig her first hole, marking a general mark the hole so that whomever used the next spot over knew where to measure from. …. Especially if the Professor was so specific about the trees being planted at least three feet away from another tree…. For the roots?? Maybe???
Eh. She’d tried. Not her fault if the next person didn’t pay attention to the line…
… She needed to mark out three feet herself now…
So she put the stick on the floor and used the edge of that to then mark out her foot wide hole for the second tree…. Picking the shovel up again, she worked to dig the first hole, piling the earth at the side so that it would be easy to use when they got to that part of the lesson. Digdigdig. When she thought she had got the right size of hole, she used the stick to check and then dug a little deeper still because it wasn’t deep enough. Not quite right yet… though it didn’t take long to make it right.
Once the first was done, she repeated the process on the hole that she had roughly marked off and found that the second hole was easier to dig. Easier to guestimate the dimensions of, since she’d already dug one hole. Though when she measured it, it was deep enough but not quite wide enough -- so she widened it and then stood up with a slight huff.
This would have been easier last year when she’d been shorter. She thought as she stretched her back slightly.