Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: *Nom nom nom*
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Mercer Branxton Ravenclaw Seventh Year
x7 x8
| Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee SPOILER!!: Greetings Quote:
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson Patrick had finally gotten to get rid of the boot. Thank Merlin. He would be able to participate in the class today rather than having to sit it out like he had to do more often than not this term. He was absolutely over it, he would have to tell his parents how terrible this term was just because of the silly boot.
So with a smile on his face, swim trunks on... even though it was a bit cold for them. A ratty old sweatshirt that had seen better days in the barn back home covered his upper body as he approached their Professor who was wearing flip flops. Nah Patrick was not a fan it was too cold for that. Well at least for this midwesterner.
Smiling at the Professor, "Morning." although he wasn't so sure it was a great morning. But it was morning and he was at his class with a smile on his face and absolutely no boot on which felt fan stinking tastic. The first student of the class. Double triple bonus points for being on time. “Yup, Dooley. Sure is morning.” Quote:
Originally Posted by gritandgrace Eniola was not the most excited for this lesson and normally she loves working with and learning about the creatures that Professor Cornish introduces them to. She was most uneasy because the instructions were to bring a bathing November! That was a sure way to get anyone's nerves up and ready to fight an inevitable cold. Of course Eni brought some over clothes, but she really wasn't sure what to expect at this point. With the professor you're never quite sure anyway.
Lack of confidence set aside Eni walked up to the shore of the lake in her warmest outfit covering as much skin as possible with sandals on her feet and her swimsuit underneath, truly hoping it won't be needed. "Hello Professor." She said as she walked up before him. "A bit cold for swimsuit season, isn't it?" Eni questioned with a cheeky grin. What? I can't find my professor cute and flirt a little? “I don’t believe in swimsuit season, Abara. Or, that’s to say, every season is swimsuit season.” Cornish nodded at the girl as she joined them on the beach. At least she was cheerful, which was more than some of the kids currently dragging themselves out of the castle this morning. Quote:
Originally Posted by Granger Danger Stella couldn't believe that it was November already, where did the time go? Although Phoenix did warn her tjat after her first year it was going to go by quick, she just didn't think this quick. She wondered what they were going to learning about, and why swimsuits? It wasn't exactly warm anymore, but she was glad it was still fall not winter now that would be bad.
Skipping down happily towards the shore where the lesson was being held, she was a bit scared due to being scared of not seeing or feeling the bottom and feeling like she's drowning. She didn't want to think about that, but she always had a fear of drowning again, which was why she stayed in the shallow areas and places that her feet comfortably touched the bottom. Ok... maybe she was just being paranoid, who knew what this lesson was going to bring them. Her mind just couldn't help but not to worry about that one factor, she definitely needed to calm down and breathe, maybe they weren't going into the water that deep.
Walking up towards Professor Cornish she was wearing shorts with a red shirt and her red converses with her hair braided in pigtails, her swimsuit under her clothes she waa currently wearing. ,"Good Morning Professor, hope you're well lovely fall weather huh?" she asked him with a warm smile. Pigtails? Was this meant to be a nursery school, or were they going to do serious learning today? “Morning, Starson. It’s a good day for some hard work. Glad you went with a go-go-Gryffindor look today or someone might have mistaken you for a Hufflepuff.” Which wasn’t a bad thing. Hufflepuffs were excellent finders. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising How was it November already? Two days before the boyfriend turned of age. Merlin, it seemed like just yesterday they were a pair of eager eleven year olds boarding the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Also, why was their new Care of Magical Creatures Professor saying something about a bathing suit?? Surely they weren't going to go swimming in Scotland .... in November. And yet, at the same time, there was magic to take the chill out of the air. And even if she did freeze her tuchus off, Aurelia Maeve Walsh decided she was going to look pretty stinking cute doing as such.
Bikini and jean shorts were conveniently worn under her uniform skirt and shirt. The sixteen year old couldn't deny too that a bikini was surprisingly more comfortable than her usual bra and panties. Who knew? Actually she discovered that last summer when she practically lived in bikinis, so there's that. "Morning Professor," she greeted, taking note of the flip-flops. "Are we taking a field trip to study creatures at the beach?" Okay so after five and half years of magical education, she knew teachers never answered questions like that in advance, but she couldn't help herself from blurting it out. “We’re on a beach, in case you failed to notice, Walsh. Sand. Water. Tiny crabs that think toes look like snails. So yes, I suppose we are taking a trip to the beach.” Or really, they were already there. Bloody Gryffindors (and yes, this was coming from a born and bred Gryffindor lion). Quote:
Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles Kamryn was a little dubious about wearing swimming gear when it was so cold out, but that’s what it had said, and so that’s what she had done. She had a one piece bathing suit on, under her jeans and her black sweatshirt, she had on her oldest pair of black sneakers as well, ones she didn’t mind getting dirty.
She trudged down to the lake, her heart feeling heavy. She was going to be 17 tomorrow! And she was now newly single as of yesterday.
The Hufflepuff kept walking and as soon as she saw people, she forced a smile to cross her face. “Hello Professor.” She said as she looked around and then headed to stand next to Maeve .
She didn’t say much to her bestie. She just stood there next to her, quietly, her hands in her pockets as she waited for class to begin. “Hello, Keighley.” Merlin, he liked the quiet ones. No dumb questions, no prattling about the weekend or whatnot. Granted, she looked a little red eyed and morose, but maybe that was because there’d been no bacon at breakfast. He was cross over the no bacon himself. Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart Avalon usually enjoyed CoMC lessons. She found it fascinating to learn about so many unique species, some that her grandfather had taught her about as a child. But she was always wary when there was water involved. Avalon liked a lot of things, but getting wet was not one of them. As she made her way down to the shore, she pulled her old cardigan tighter over her shoulders. She had learned back on the first day of class that wearing cute clothes was not the best idea. Since then, much to her chagrin, she had worn her oldest and most ratty clothing to CoMC.
It certainly wasn't prime swimming weather. So why did the professor request that they wear bathing suits? Thankfully, Avalon had worn jeans, a button-up, and a cardigan over hers, so she wasn't freezing to death. Yet. At least Professor Cornish had built a fire. "Good day, Professor," Avalon said as she approached her teacher and the group of students that had already gathered. She took in the array of objects on the shore. It should be an interesting lesson indeed. “Good day to you, Sinclair. I’m glad you’ve decided it’s a good one. Dooley over there is playing it safe and hasn’t decided yet.” He took in her bright eyed interest in the things on the beach and almost smiled at her. Almost. Quote:
Originally Posted by Suziella Sebastian walked up to the great lake in his beach clothes and flip flops as happy as a clam. He was too excited to be at a lesson that had anything to do with swimming or being in the water. He had always loved the beach and was actually a really good surfer. Yes, it was freezing outside...but that was what his Baja jacket was for. Plus, he might have attached a heating charm to it...
Bast quickly noticed Kam and made his way over to her. "Hey Professor, excited for this lesson!" He said with a grin, making the hang loose sign with his left hand. Once he got over to Kam, he gently threw his arm across her shoulders. She had been through it the past couple of days and he really wanted her birthday tomorrow to be good. "Hey, I got your birthday present. But you can't have until midnight." He said with a wink, hoping to cheer her up a little. "Hey, Maeve." Sebastian said with a wink to the older Gryffindor. Why were there so many beautiful people at this school. He was always so distracted. “Ecstatic,” Cornish deadpanned, giving his head a slight tilt. The surfer boy. They could bond outside of class, but inside of class, he needed less CHITCHAT and more focus. Cornish didn’t take himself too seriously, but he took his creatures deadly so. “Let’s leave off the chatter, yeah? Why don’t you come try those excellent lines on me and leave the girls alone?” Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch They we're already in November and Professor Cornish wanted them to wear swimwear to class. With her one piece pink bathing suit on under her sweater in lion gold and red and black sweat pants and oldest and already torn and dirty converses Ellie trudged down to the lake shore for the COMC lesson. The heavy and dark looking clouds hanging over the castle didn’t exactly brighten her mood. It looked like it was just a matter of time before it started to rain and, she disliked rain.
Ellie pushed the thought away though as she reached the group of peers that was forming on the lake shore. As she passed professor Cornish she pulled her brown strands of hair out her face as she greeted the professor with the happiest smile she could muster up in the morning chill. ”Good morning Professor Cornish!”
Ellie then took note of the fish tanks, fire pit, trunk and other objects as she walked over to stand next to Stella flashing her dorm mate a warm smile. She then proceeded to pull her brown hair back into a long braid to be prepared if they we’re going to be wading out into the lake. “Good morning, Smethwyck.” The girl got a slight nod of the head, mostly because he’d taken note of her tucking away her bad mood and trying to be interested in the class. Trying was good. It was very very good. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Rylee would not be missing a CoMC lesson. Not even if they were supposed to be wearing their swimsuits, which could only mean one thing. Whatever they were going to be working with today dealt with water. Lake water. Not a place where she really cared to be going into anymore...
She was here though. Here and on time. Swimsuit on underneath her clothing. Any note that she might actually not want to go into the water was very well hidden by the warm smile on her face, despite the obvious chill in the November air. "Good morning, Professor Cornish," Rylee greeted cheerily keeping up with hiding her displeasure of the water.
Gently clasping her hands in front of her to keep from fidgeting to much and lightly rocking back and forth on her heels it was time to wait for the lesson to begin. Hopefully no one could tell that she was a little less than thrilled about the possibility of having to get into the water. Prichard was being weird. Like more so than normal. Cornish scuffed a flip flop in the sand before responding, “Morning. All right there, Prichard?” Not that he’d let her beg off to the nurse or whatever, but he needed to know if she was about to yack. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Clothes he did not mind getting a bit soiled and that were comfortable? Yes. Swimsuit? No thanks. The only reason he owned one to begin with was because of Trinetta and her pool party. Generally speak, Eiji was not one to get too close to the water or in it any deeper than his waist and those instances with which he did do so were typically because he was collecting ingredients for his brews.
A trend he was fully intended on continuing today. It was one of the obvious benefits of taking Care of Magical Creatures as an elective: easy access to a variety of ingredients. Some rarer than others depending on how much the professor was willing to impress students with the creature of the moment. Fortunately, and also unfortunately, for the fourth year this term, Professor Cornish was much more the sort to work with what they had rather than bring in exotic and high classification creatures from elsewhere. Eiji could appreciate this though and he hoped his classmates were paying attention to the subtle message their newest Creatures professor was providing them with.
Though it really wouldn't hurt if the man bent over backwards once or twice to bring in some creatures. The Slytherin was itching to get a hold of some Mackled Malaclaw tail and legs or thunderbird feathers.
His hazel-green eyes quickly surveyed the area and took in the materials laid out for the day which...admittedly peeked his interest a fair bit and he patted his pockets for the phials to make sure he had not foolishly forgotten them back in his dorm.
As usual, Eiji greeted the professor with a simple but respectful nod of the head and then, seeing as none of his finite circle of friends were present at the moment, merely waited for things to begin. And this one. Rasting always looked a little TOO interested in the creatures, and not in a healthy ‘take ‘em out and give them treats’ kind of way. More like ‘pull of their wings and light them on fire’ kind of way. The kid wasn’t getting anywhere near the tadfoal in Cornish’s office. But he DID nod at the boy in return. Quote:
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell His mom had wanted him to leave his old school uniform at home. HA! Like that was going to happen!! Sammy didn’t own any other kind of bathing suit and if his mother thought he wasn’t going to jump in the lake at some point, she was nuts. So, dressed in a two striped enchanted bathing suit that looked straight from the 1920s, complete with spandex shorts and a bathing cap tucked into the belt, Sammy plodded barefoot down to the lake for the COMC.
He hoped they were going to see the squid. He spotted Eleanor and slipped up next to her as she was saying hello to the professor. The slight awkwardness that had hung around them since they met had seemed to have dissipated a little. After all, one couldn’t vomit and bleed all over the laundry room together and not bond a little right? Well, so long as she didn’t go all perky-perky and clumsy on him and start blaming him for falling off things again he imagined the awkwardness would stay away. ”You look cold,” he told her, wiggling his bare toes in grass. He wasn't sure if he had met the girl next to Eleanor, so he gave a little wave of the hand in acknowledgement. ”I hope we get to see the squid,” he said shoving his wand into the built in holder on his bathing suit. He was trying not to bounce around in excitement. This. Was. Quite. The outfit. Cornish coughed into his fist before giving the boy a nod. He was chatting out of turn, but it was tangently related to creatures, so Cornish would let it pass. “Killebrew, nudge in closer to the fire. That’s… is that vintage?” MER-LIN. Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Bathing suit? Cordelia had worn one under the rest of her clothes as per the notice, but she had a feeling this would cause trouble. Wearing a bathing suit meant swimming, and swimming meant needing to temporarily disconnect from her insulin pump and potentially having low blood sugar from the exercise. That could be a serious problem if they were swimming out into the lake. "Good morning professor. Are we swimming today? Because I, uh, I need to be careful about that." She didn't want to draw too much attention to herself, but it was important that she was prepared if they were going to be swimming. Swimming was totally doable, it just required a lot more planning for her than for everyone else. Moving over towards Maeve, Cordelia pulled out her testing kit to check her blood sugar. She inserted a strip into the meter, pricked her finger with the lancet, and squeezed a drop of blood onto the test strip. Looking at the number that appeared on the screen, she decided a snack would be necessary right now. Already she was on the lower end of her target range. Cordelia pulled a juice box out of her bag and started sipping on it. After finishing that, she went back into her bag for the box of apples and peanut butter that she had packed for her morning snack. Munching on her snack, Cordelia waited to see what the professor had planned for them today. What the actual… what? “Morning. No, we’re not swimming per se, but we’ll be plenty damp. Can I ask you to finish your snack post haste so we can get started? It’s neither sanitary nor polite to eat in class, and while the world is my classroom, it is still my classroom.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy Belle's place was at the front of the class.
Clearly he needed his favourite student to be at the front of the class. Nothing would make him happier right? Right.
Despite loving the outdoors, the first year student wasn't sure how she felt about having classes outside. The outdoors wasn't a controlled environment and one needed a certain level of control to teach and learn in a class setting.
Oh well.
She looked about her wondering what the heck the professor had planned for him. Swimming in November Scotland weather was not it for this island girl at all. "Hi Professor!" Oh, this one. His favorite, apparently. “Good morning, Moore. I hope you dressed for class.” Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack There were quite a number of things Nina enjoyed. Among them were activities such as the application of makeup, organizing a closet, and watching the pretty boys play fútbol on the grounds on Thursday evenings. There were also, however, many things Nina Castillo regarded with utter distaste. Among them were Eloise Fairfield, any animal whatsoever, and soggy weather. All of this to say, Nina Castillo hated every single thing about the lesson today and it hadn't even begun yet.
She did come prepared, as arriving to a lesson without the proper materials was that of nightmares. She wore a pretty mauve one-piece underneath her yellow T-shirt, and showing it off was perhaps the only thing she was looking forward to for the next hour. While her distaste for the subject was hardly surprising to those who had experienced CoMC with her before, she still made an effort to keep a neutral expression on her face as she made her way to class.
Nina gave her Professor a thin-lipped, yet polite-sort-of smile as she walked by. The lack of seating was rather disappointing as it meant the theoretical portion of class would likely only be touched upon. While she hated creatures, she didn't mind the theory. It was the practice that she had an issue with. This was going to be quite a taxing lesson, she could already tell.
Not wanting to stand at the very front, she made her way behind Eiji Rasting. Hi, Eiji. He recieved a nod in acknowledgement. No, this one. She was his favorite. Sorry, Belle. Her absolute polite disdain for him pleased the heck out of Cornish, and he actually smiled at her dismissive little head toss. Well. Look at him making friends. “A very good morning to you, Castillo. I’m delighted you could join us today.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Kaiser had no qualms about getting dirty, as had been proved the very first day of term when he had arrived at the feast, but he didn't exactly have extra clothes that he could designate as 'clothes for getting dirty in'. He had what he had, and what he had would have to do. When he arrived at the lesson area, he was dressed in his usual casual clothes, some of which were clearly too small in the leg and arm. "I hope we are not swimming," Kaiser said as he came to a stop, speaking by all appearances to nobody in particular, though his words could only really be for the professor's benefit. "I do not own a bathing suit." The fact that he also did not actually know how to swim was left unsaid, but heavily implied. He didn't know how this lesson was going to go, but Kaiser had already made up his mind on exactly what he would or would not agree to do, including the matter of changing into whatever swimming costumes had been provided. It probably would have made more sense to skip the lesson entirely and avoid a clash on the matter, but he was here now.
But anyway. "Morning," Kaiser added, this time definitely to the professor, as he shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels, waiting for things to get underway. “We are not swimming, strictly speaking, but you may want something to wear if you go into the water. I have some swimming costumes in the box,” Cornish nodded at the trunk full of garishly colored trunks and t-shirts. Anything the kid wanted, he could borrow. Or have, really, because Cornish didn’t need to carry around clothes he wouldn’t wear anymore. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone It was cold.
It was cold and they were going...... swimming?
It was safe to say that Lucas was confused.
He had reluctantly pulled on his swimming trunks before putting his regular, and much warmer, clothes right on top. Was he unhappy about wearing swimming trunks in this weather? Yes. Was he even more unhappy about the idea of wearing swimming costumes that Cornish was going to provide? Yes, yes, and yes.
Wrapping his arms tightly around himself, the third year walked down to the lake shore as quickly as he could. He wasn't happy about whatever it was they were going to be doing because, well, he'd rather be sitting by the fireplace. And it didn't take long to guess that they might be taking a dip into the lake, something he wasn't very happy about either.
November wasn't the right time for it. July, on the other hand, was much better.
But hey, that was a fire pit! Which meant warmth. A small smile spread across Lucas's face as he hurried the last bit towards the class. "Hello, Professor," he said, as he passed him by to stand in a good spot near the fire pit. There were some other things there but Lucas wasn't paying any attention to it. All that mattered was the fire. Another kid making the best of it, and Cornish appreciated the effort. “Hello, Dakest. Don’t fall into the fire unless you’re part salamander and never told any of us.” Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Indigo made his way toward the lake with caution. He did not want to go in the water. Well, being in the water itself wouldn't actually be the worst. If they were fishing on the shore or something? That would be fine. If he had to swim a bit? Sure, he could do that. What he was really hoping was that he didn't have to go in a boat. Indigo had a thing about boats and just the thought of having to get in one made him a bit anxious. So... please don't make him do that and everything would be fine.
He glanced around when he got there, looking for someone he knew. None of his people were there yet. But then he spotted Nina. She could be his people. He made his way over and gave her a small smile in greeting. Cornish squinted at the young man who was doing a good job of looking small, cold, and morose. Some people were just naturally talented like that. "Morning. Maybe... scoot in by the fire. It's only going to get worse from here." Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger It oddly hadn’t surprised Stasya much when the notice about the COMC lesson went up and it included swimsuits. Even in November, she wasn’t too worried. She rather had faith that Professor Cornish knew what he was about, and besides, there were always heating charms she could use. Therefore, it was an entirely unconcerned Gryffindor prefect who had made her way toward the lake, wearing an oversized jumper and leggings over her Gryffindor swimsuit, sneakers on her feet. In a way, it reminded her of the Creature Companions field trip terms earlier. Hopefully without anyone angering inferi. “Good morning Professor Cornish,” she greeted the professor with a smile, before moving over to settle into a spot near Rylee, nudging the younger girl lightly in greeting. The other Lions who were scattered around received a smile from her as well, along with several others she knew. But otherwise, she stayed quiet, waiting for the lesson to begin. The one with all the last names. He was getting good at recognizing them all, huh? All the names Gryffindor. "Morning, Dalgaard-Volkova." She needed a nickname.
Now they were gathered, and Cornish was eager to be done with the niceties and get on with it. He clapped his hands to get the attention of those with wandering minds and eyes. Back to the him, kiddos. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts, giving them all a cool and assessing gaze. He had high hopes for the day, believe it or not.
“Okay, let’s get started. I know it’s a bit nippy and dank, but you’ll be plenty warm once we start moving again. I want to make sure that everyone’s worn clothes that can get wet or dirty? And a bathing suit is best… I have extras in the box here.” The box full of neon shaded shorts and raggedy t-shirts with holes in them, as well as more than one mildewy wetsuit for the truly brave.
He waited only a moment, trusting that anyone who needed a bathing costume would come up and grab something to wear. Onward and whatever. “I don’t want to insult any of your intelligence, but are you all aware that you’re not the center of universe? And I mean that… not from an astronomical perspective, but a biological one. Look around you. The grounds here at Hogwarts are literally crawling with creatures, teeming with plant life, crawling with the creepy crawlies we can’t see unless we really look for them. So do that for a moment. Look around and tell me who else lives here. What else. Plants, animals, anything.” Hey folks! Sorry he’s a grump, but know that it’s in good fun and I love you. Answer as creatively and fully as you want, but know that I will move on sooner rather than later so we don’t lose our momentum. You can always play catch-up.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |