05-21-2019, 12:52 PM
#53 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Drowning in files
Posts: 7,071
| *randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm) Text Cut: Bowtruckles Quote:
Originally Posted by BOWTRUCKLES! The braying of the centaur rattled more than a handful of the bowtruckles and their angry, sharp, fingers ceased their attacks briefly enough for a few of the humans to scamper free if they were paying attention.
The two boys [2111jen & Krel Ansell] were successful in unlatching their attackers from their clothes and limbs, but not before each bowtruckle managed a searing swipe of their vicious fingers over the backs of their fleshy palms, easily drawing blood.
Somehow, and remarkably so, as students moved closer to their centaur mentor the bowtruckles' attacks softened and ceased all together as their green twiggy bodies circumnavigated the group. Encompassing them within a circle of bowtruckles. Text Cut: Rylee Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Rylee very nearly shrieked when something landed on her head. Not something, someone. Several. There was BOWTRUCKLES on her hair! Remaining as calm as she could she lifted her hands from the ground where they had been in order to try to get them off. Whether it was more them or her own efforts in trying to remove them, they were becoming tangled in her hair! This was definitely not the time to have very long hair that wasn't tied up!
She could fell them getting more and stuck in her ginger locks. "Yes, please," she whispered softly barely nodding her head when Samuil walked over towards her. "Careful, their getting themselves rather tangled and we don't want to harm them." Even if they were trying to harm her she would do her very best to show them she wasn't going to do them same.
As gently as possible she worked to untangle one without coming into contact with his claws. See? She really meant them no harm at all. "Did we get them all?" she asked Sammy unable to see the back of her own head but not feeling anything she she thought they did. "Thanks," she gave Sammy a light smile for his help as she got to her feet making her way very slowly and carefully over to Thereos, not wanting to harm any Bowtruckles that might be close. She was ready to head back now but something about this didn't feel right. There had to be something happening around here that the creatures didn't like. The little bugger from his shirt has scratched him pretty good. Blood was dribbling down his fingers a little. Sammy had bled more in the past 2 months then he had in his 13 years of life. If this was a preview of how the rest of his years here at Hogwarts were going to go, he was going to have to talk to his parents about transferring him somewhere, anywhere else. Even the threat of more perkiness was better than bleeding to death slowly.
He pulled a few of the bowtruckles out of the girl’s hair, hoping he didn’t dribble blood on her, and more importantly that if he did, she wans’t going to pass out. Some girls did that – or so he was told – at the sight of blood. He got about 3 of them untangled and put them back on the ground (keeping an eye out to make sure they didn’t start attacking him again) and then helped the girl to her feet. Text Cut: Thereos Quote:
Originally Posted by Thereos Abnormal did not even begin to describe the behavior Thereos was witnessing among the bowtruckles and made the centaur all too eager to return to his home to consult the sage.
"I do not know, Mr. McCarthy," he replied with an airy graveness while looking over both of his broad shoulders to check that his students were all accounted for and to evaluate the positions of the bowtruckles. "It is clear that our presence has brought forth great trepidation and that we shall not be able to perform readings as predicted. We must not fight the forces before us. All is a sign. An acorn at the threshold will keep lightning out."
Pausing a moment here, Thereos glanced around the groove just as the cloudless sky was no more and the sun eclipsed. Even if they were to have successfully began their readings, all had turned to bad omens now on the scent of an approaching downpour. A most unsettling of circumstances. The path of Jupiter had assured him there was to be no rain for another two weeks.
"Back to the castle, younglings. Stay close to me and do not fear. We will survive this tempest of uncertainty."
His eyes then gazed upon the bowtruckles and a particular part of their perimeter in fervent hope that, as a fellow dweller of the Forbidden Forest, they would permit him escort all back to the safety of the castle. Together with the girl, he walked back over to Professor Thereos. It appeared the class was over today. He was fine with that, so long as the next class didn’t include him hugging a tree again. He looked around the grove and then back down at the ring of bowtruckles around them. Should they…ah… just carefully step over them? There really wasn’t a way around them. If the professor wasn't with them, he might have just done that. But he didn't want to offend the centaur. The action might be considered disrespectful.
Sammy promised himself that if they made it back to the castle, he was never going into a forest again without a pocket full of wood lice on him. Or fairy eggs. That gave him an idea. Maybe one of his classmates did have some. People carried weirder things around with them all the time. ”Anyone got any wood lice or fairy eggs on them? Anything edible?” Maybe the professor still had that bowl of edible flowers on him too. Bowtruckles were omnivores after all.
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