Arts TRANSPONSTER! Another boring day at Hogwarts School of Boredom and Dullness without Quidditch practice. Eeehhhhh.
Was that the sole reason why the girl was at school? No. Not really. She was there because that was the 'thing to do' - apparently - and according to her mother she had to have a 'very good education if she wanted to go places'. Thing was, Anna wasn't interested in going anywhere except to where people played Quidditch and raced on brooms all day every day. Was that too much to ask for?
Apparently it was. Because there she was, with a few books in her bag, having just finished yet another useless lesson that she knew wouldn't be of much use to her in the future. Eeehhhh.
AND she had this silly badge that imposed a heck of a lot of responsibilities on her. Responsibilities she did not want, though she supposed that if she wanted any privileges she'd have to take the hit.
This Gryffindor, however, had been considering if such privileges were even worth the hassle. Merlin. If only her mother hadn't made her give up her Captaincy, none of this 'you have to set the example' rubbish would have been dumped on her. Huff. |