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Until she heard the barfing sounds and spun around to see what the issue was. Her face shaped into a look or horror when she realised that her precious scarf had been vomited upon. “What is the matter with you two?’’ Kay questioned, fearing for the kiddos and secretly repulsed at the water in which the scarf now sat.
Ellie straightened up to draw a hand over her mouth to wipe away vomit as she looked over at Professor Stewart, still green in the face and her stomach was still rumbling loudly. "I don't know. Bad feast food maybe?" Because the only lesson they we're allowed to snack in was astronomy and she hadn't had that yet today. "I am sorry about your scarf professor------" Then Ellie made a grimace as she turned to the sink to barf up again. She didn't like hurling in public places but at least this wasn't in a lesson. Quote:
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*POP*Pips appeared in the laundry room with a rather large basket full of studentsies things to wash. Pips eyes grew even larger as he saw two studentsies and Missus Mistress. There was a mess! Pips needed to help. Yes, Pips does.
"Missus Mistress, studentsies, Pips help? Pips clean up all the sickies?" Argyl would be very upset if Pips did not clean, clean, clean! There was laundry to be done but sickies was big mess, yes it was!
At the appearance of the elf she managed to raise her head in between the vomiting hurls to ask nicely even if it to her ears sounded strained.
"Argyle can you get me some water?" Because all the vomiting made her mouth feel like a sewer.
Originally Posted by
Krel Ansell
”I dummmmo vhat hatpin…” he said trying to fit the urge to snuffle. He tilted his head backwards and tried to speak around his sleeve. ”It started about 15 minutes ago.” he sucked in a deep breath. ”The one I had the other nii---niiigghhhh….wubben't stoppp...” the professor had come close enough for him to realize it was the pretty one from the feast. His voice ended in a high squeak and he quickly covered his face more with this sleeve.
He shook his head no when she asked if it had stopped. He was a little concerned about Eleanor, but maybe she was feeling better now that she had gotten it out of her system. He wondered if she too, had gotten lost looking for the hospital wing. They were both pretty new to the school.
When her stomach finally stopped rumbling Ellie slumped down on the floor under the sink feeling like she had vomited up all that she had eaten for the last week. Eyes turning to look at Sammy that was bleeding through hankie after hankie she felt worried. "Are you okay Sammy?" she called over to him. Turning her eyes to Professor Stewart she made an in pass. "It's been the same for me. I threw up last night and then again some minutes ago. I don't get it. It feels like it's getting worse with every vomit." Oh please don't make her not stop vomiting..