05-16-2019, 10:50 PM
Make a Splash at the Badger Bash! credit: govoni Is the first month back to school getting you down? Are the professors piling on the coursework, leaving you to wonder how you'll ever see the outside of a library again? Were you simply not ready?
Never fear! Hufflepuff is here!
In true Badger fashion, the Hufflepuff Leaders invite everyone to partake in a day of sunshine and fun (before the weather turns)! So, on a bright Saturday morning, the area of the grounds surrounding the lake have been transformed. A long table has been set up before you reach any of the fun, piled high with white tees in every size the Hogwarts population might need. Grab one and slip it on. A large iron tub filled with multicolored water balloons offers an explanation. Instead of being filled with pure water, you'll find they've undergone a technicolor change. Burst one against a fellow student or professor and colored water will stain their shirt. BUT WATCH OUT. Some of the balloons are heavy with SLIME. It won't be obvious which are which, so toss at your own risk!
Just off the water's edge, a large slide has been constructed. If you're brave enough to ride it down, it'll deposit you several feet out into the water. Far out enough to enjoy the drop from the slide, but not so much that you'll be unsafe. The Prefects are on duty and watching!
Back on land and further up the way, an enormous quilt blanket has been laid out. It's been laden with light snacks and drinks to keep everyone hydrated and happy. Fruits of every kind, crudités, crisps, pasties, and small pies are among the offered treats. Drinks include butter beers, water, and juices. BEWARE OF THE HOUR RULE. Don't eat and swim! |