Join Date: May 2008 Location: Hobbiton
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Hogwarts RPG Name: ??? Ravenclaw Hogwarts RPG Name: Ronnie Thurkell Gryffindor Seventh Year
x12 x12
| lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet SPOILER!!: lazykitty Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty "Inguz could be used for the ENTP type," Archer spoke up, raising her hand first. Did she care that using her own type that she'd just done this type of thing for in the previous activity might be considered cheating? No, not really. The first time had been pretty taxing and she wasn't really wishing to go through and do and do it again. Once was enough, thanks. "And I guess Sowilo could be used for ENFJ....." And at this point, she was just pulling them out of thin air.
Could the professor tell she just really wasn't enjoying this lesson? Not that she was being hateful about it or anything. Just sort of half-trying... Oh Carmine could tell alright. Especially given the girl only gave half an answer, not explaining what was behind her choices. She paused to give her the space to fill that in but when it wasn't forthcoming, Carmine nodded. "Alright, Ingwaz for ENTP. Sowilo for ENFJ." She added those up. SPOILER!!: sweetpinkpixie Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Did one Eiji Rasting know he was smart? Why yes, yes he did and he really did not need anyone to fluff his intellectual ego any. Though would gladly accept any reminders should one be offering them. Thank you, Professor Beryl.
Though in the current moment he was more preoccupied with Missa's obvious shift in body language and that almost fearful look in her eyes. "...........what's wrong?" he asked under his breath while leaning over towards her. Which was why, once again, he was somewhat tuning in and out of the lecture. Figuring out Missa was the more interesting of puzzles to sort through. More so than matching runes to personality types anyway.
But this investigation of his was going to be all the more difficult seeing as they were not doing this in pairs...but as a class. Great.
Sighing and leaning back in his seat a bit, Eiji glanced over the list of personality types again and then referenced his own parchment of his interpretations to himself and then over at Missa's. So...he was meant to pick one rune out of these to best represent the personality type? Considering how different the options were based on the words seemed an even more subjective a task.
What had Missa's personality type been referred to as? Protagonist? That seemed more workable than looking at all these individual characteristics. And since there was this bloody expectation of ... contributing, he may as well get it out of the way before the professor called him out. "Tiwaz for ENFJ," he offered after raising his hand. Honestly, it seemed a rune that was very Missa in essence. Carmine wrote Tiwaz up. "Alright, I'll add that one too." SPOILER!!: Bazinga Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Had Chloe gone quiet? Yes she had, this class was interesting and she was busy writing notes on everything they were saying, but also she was fearful of not understanding runes and things so she kept quiet while others talked as well.
She chewed on her lip looking for an answer, but honestly she only knew the ones that she had put for herself, so raising her hand she figured she could at least give that, maybe before anyone else did if she was called on quickly. "Gebo could go with ENFP Professor, that is what I had for one of mine at least." She gave the woman a smile and hoped that she was on the right track of what she wanted, because if she wasn't, that would be embarrassing, but at least she tried. "I'll put that up too." Carmine said, giving Miss McCarthy a kind smile for her efforts, even despite making it clear that she was finding it tough going. SPOILER!!: Fireheart Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart It was much more challenging than Avalon thought it would be to match up runes with MBTI types. She was surprised that runes had so many different meanings and layers. Avalon waited for a few of her classmates to speak up first before contributing her answer. "I would probably say that Kenaz goes with INFJ," Avalon said hesitantly after raising her hand. She wasn't 100% sure, but runes didn't seem like a subject that require complete accuracy and confidence. Professor Beryl would probably appreciate it if she also used a type that wasn't her own. "And my brother is an ESTJ. I think that the description for Nauthiz matches up with that one fairly well," she added. "Hmmm. I'm not so sure about Kenaz with INFJ so I think I'll have to exercise a veto there unless you'd like to explain your reasoning and convince me, but I do agree with Nauthiz for ESTJ." Professor Beryl said, giving the girl an encouraging smile. SPOILER!!: Felixir Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Given this was the first lesson of the term, Kaiser's brain was getting a real work out. Whatever happened to the concept of easing back in gently? But he did try, so there was that.
The next set of instructions took a while for him to process, but he thought he had a good grip of what he needed to do. Runes for the personality types... okay. So, Kaiser knew for a fact that he had heard 'ENFP' announced more than any other at the start of the lesson, so he decided to try to find a rune for that one first. Once he had found one that he thought might work reasonably well, he worked backwards to find another connection. Kaiser closed his eyes and pointed in his rune dictionary at random, looked to see what he had picked, then tried to match it up with one of the types on the handout.
Once he was satisfied with his ideas, Kaiser raised his hand to speak. "I think Wunjo for ENFP, because the traits seem sort of... joyful? And Algiz for INFJ, because of the protector and caring traits." Was that... right? Did he do the thing? He looked at Professor Beryl uncertainly, the handout still in one hand and the other hand ready to rifle through his textbook again, in case he needed to backtrack and think up a new answer. "Good thinking, Mr Kaiser." Carmine said, adding those to the board too. SPOILER!!: hermionesclone Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Objective balance. That sounded much better than whatever it was he was trying to say before. He was going to have to remember that one. He smiled gratefully at Beryl before picking up his quill and making a small note of the words. Just in case.
And now they had to match the runes with the personality list as a whole? Lucas..... frowned, mostly in thought. This was going to take longer than he'd like, and he knew it. And he had to say it in front of everyone because what if it was wrong? What if he looked dumb? What then?!
There was only one thing for it: he pulled the textbook and the sheet closer to him and started looking through. He almost wanted to write it down, instead, but he had a funny feeling that Beryl might come and ask him to explain his choices again - it could happen! - so it was..... probably.... better this way? He didn't know.
The third year was hardly paying attention to what anyone else was saying, instead choosing to scribble things down on his parchment. His own observations. They might not be right but they were there. It was only when he was certain about a few of them that he chose to raise his hand right up in the air. "Uh, so, I'd say that Fehu matches with ENTJ," Which was funny because Fehu was the first on this list and ENTJ was the last. Which was a coincidence, if he ever saw one. "Fehu is all about power and goals and, uh, you know, trying to reach those goals. And I guess ENTJs are determined and ambitious? That's what it says here." So it fitted.
He cleared this throat slightly before moving on. "I think...... Ehwaz matches with ESTP? I mean, Ehwaz is all about motion and energy and it says that ESTPs are energetic and physical and adventurous......." He almost didn't know how that could be. Didn't they get tired? "It also says that Ehwaz has some recklessness in it and ESTPs are spontaneous. So I guess, you need to be a bit reckless to be spontaneous, right?" Weren't they the same? "Good thinking, Mr Dakest." Professor Beryl said, adding those up. SPOILER!!: PhoenixRising Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Was Maeve completely lost? No, she wouldn't say completely, but she had gone into a deep thought over her own runic suggestions which mostly consisted of distracted thinking that perhaps the lesson would be over soon. She hadn't any idea of runic correlations to other systems and frankly, wasn't quite sure the relevance either. So keeping quiet, the blonde just scanned her notes, reading over things and mulling it all over.
Least until Professor Beryl moved onto the main activity for today which was ... a collaborative effort, it seemed.
Raising her hand, "Kenaz for ENFP." Because that was the only one of her own MBTI that she was 100% sure of. "Dagaz for ENTP .... perhaps because of their entrepreneurial and spontaneous nature... and it says Dagaz talks about embarking upon an enterprise?" "Some good thinking, Miss Walsh." Carmine added those two answers up too. SPOILER!!: nicole black Quote:
Originally Posted by nicole black Floored. He'd been floored. Not a single professor before this had ever said a thing about his sneakers and the Hufflepuff had worn a different pair to almost every lesson. Flushed, and wriggling, Maxie had had to bite his lip not to whine. He'd already been feeling anxious - thank you boot, and Nina and Lulu dakest - and to be called out like this, even in the soft manner which Professor Carmine had done, was insult to injury.
He didn't say a word, but he did give the professor a very curt nod. "I-i-I'll be back," Maxie muttered quickly to Aaron, unable even to look his teammate in the eye as he scurried past him, his long limbs making quick strides out of the classroom and into the hall.
Maxie fumed all the way from the fifth floor to the second- it was only there he realized that his punishment was actually.. a gift. Considering how far the classroom was from his common room, Maxie could take his dear sweet time and Professor Carmine would be none the wiser. He could do... anything. He could head to the kitchens and grab a sundae. He could lay down in bird and finish Great Birds of Arabia. He could even lay around the common room and do nothing - the greatest of all past times.
Mind whirling, Maxie kept on his journey only to find his feet had - in fact - walked him right into his common room. It seemed his body knew him much better than his imagination for it was headed straight for his dorm room.
.... Quietly, Maxie entered his dorm and went for his trunk.
School shoes made a lot of noise. They clacked and clicked, and clacked all the way from the Hufflepuff Common Room to the Fifth Floor Classroom. He had taken his time getting here- he could really run if he'd wanted, he could have made it back sooner, but Maxie was too busy fostering his wounded feelings.
It was the main activity, anyone could have seen that as they walked into the classroom and Maxie was, in fact, an anybody. "I-I'm b-b-back." The Hufflepuff said to the Professor, giving no ecuse for the legnth of his absence. It was her fault he'd missed out, and that was that. Slightly glower-y, Maxie took the seat nearest the door and settled in. He had... absolutely no idea what was happening. Well now that was a shame. Disappointing that he'd not come right back. There had been time. She would have to take points for the late return, but she'd do so after the lesson ended. "See me after class, Mr Anderson-Belfort." She said. SPOILER!!: MadMadamMalfoy Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Tina had been thinking about the potential difficulties of rune correspondences. The first thought that occurred to her was that different symbols mean different things in different parts of the world. For example, going back to colors again… black symbolized death and mourning in western cultures, but the same symbolism applied to white or gold in some eastern countries. But that answer sounded a bit like what one of the other students said, and it didn't need repeating so Tina kept quiet.
Never mind then, moving on… Tina wasn't sure how to feel when she heard Professor Beryl's instructions for the activity. She enjoyed correlating runes with MBTI types and traits so far, but the discussion aspect had her a bit on edge. Couldn't she just write her interpretations down and hand them in for a grade? Reciting facts and figures from a textbook was one thing - they were concrete, irrefutable - but these interpretations were largely subjective and therefore more debatable. She didn't particularly like the idea of having her thoughts shot down in front of everyone (or doing the same to anyone else's). Arguing was such a waste of time and energy!
But it was what it was. Tina was half listening to other people's answers, making a mental note of which runes and personality types had already been said. She wanted to challenge herself to use rune and MBTI type combinations that hadn't been mentioned. As she jotted down her interpretations, some of her classmates’ answers stood out. She agreed with the Gryffindor kid (Lucas) who suggested Ehwaz for ESTP, but she couldn't think of anything to back her position that hadn't already been said so she kept that thought to herself.
Another person's (Avalon) answer got her thinking. She thought Nauthiz was a better fit for INTJ than ESTJ. It was one of the runes she'd used for her own personality type in the first activity, and it was the only rune she found that fit multiple aspects of her type. Tina cautiously raised her hand and said when called on, “I think Nauthiz would be a good fit for INTJ. It symbolizes determination, one of the traits for that type, and it can also represent self reliance and self-initiated change, which I associate with independence.” She paused a second to glance over her findings for other types. When she'd found one she felt confident in enough to voice out loud, she added, “And what about Raidho for INTP? That rune symbolizes travel and evolution, which sort of ties in with the INTP's changeable nature.” She had other rune correlations written down, but she was going to stick with those two for now and give others a chance to speak. Professor Beryl listened as Miss Dantes gave some answers and nodded. "Alright, I'll put those up too." As she'd mentioned earlier, it did not matter that a rune might fit multiple types, the point of the exercise was thinking about the meanings after all. SPOILER!!: Lissy Longbottom Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Ok, this was starting to get kind of boring. There was only so much of Nettie's brain that could absorb runes at any given time. Then it needed a bit of a break to process everything. At least it was better than Arithmancy, which was just a nightmare most days. Naturally her stubborn nature was preventing her from dropping the class, of course...
Right, back to the topic at hand. They had quite a few questions they could tackle, and since Nettie WAS getting a bit bored with the lesson, why not try and poke the bear a little? Smirking, she glanced at Eiji and then raised her hand. "I'd have to disagree with Eiji's answer, Professor. The Protagonist is a leader, for sure, but I feel like Eihwaz is a better fit. Yes, they're leaders, but they're leaders because they're there to support everyone around them. Eihwaz means strength and reliability as well as dependence. You can depend on them to be a leader, and to also be there to help lift you up and achieve your own goals, as well as their own. So in the end, everyone wins. Eihwaz indicates enlightenment and endurance as well. According to the definition of the Protagonist, they have great influence in their communities, and you can't achieve that without having drive and a true idea of your purpose in leadership," she explained.
And quite honestly? She wasn't just saying that to counter Eiji although that was fun too but when she thought of Missa...that was literally what she thought of. Missa was just so NICE and always so positive and supportive. It was a no brainer really. Professor Beryl listened closely as Miss Gladin offered an alternative rune. "Alright, thank you Miss Gladin, I'll add Eihwaz alongside ENFJ as well." SPOILER!!: Stormdancer Quote:
Originally Posted by Stormdancer Nibbling on her lip, Holly nodded to the Professor with a small smile as she continued to write up her notes… She had a feeling that she would need them all at a later date… you know, for homework or studying or exams. So yeah, important. So down she wrote; their ideas, Professor Beryl’s additions and each idea that popped up.
Runes… seemed fascinating - but so steeped in interpretation.
Though, she could likely get over that for learning this. Hopefully.
As the Professor moved them on, she looked at the list of MBTI type’s and the Elder Futhark trying to find a correlation that she thought would hold up until scrutiny.
Putting her hand in the air when she had something, she smiled at the Professor and at Tina. ”Professor, I think raidho is potentially more of a ISTJ rune as it displays traits like leadership, the ability to see what is good and bad … and being able to take action on the decisions made.” Her voice was soft and slow, as if she was trying to put together her reasoning on the spot. ”I thought that Fehu might be better suited to INTP… because …. It has the ability to be mobile, it is connected to luck and is said to have lots of energies linked to it… I thought that these might help those who have a more creative personality.”
Annnd now she could hide. And take notes. Lots of notes. Professor Beryl listened closely to the girl's reasoning. "Some good thoughts, Miss Tamesis." She said. SPOILER!!: emjay Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay There was a lot of talking going on at this point and Gunnar was having a little trouble keeping everything straight. Not that he normally had trouble focusing or anything, but he found it difficult to keep track of sixteen personality things and try to figure out a rune or two for each. And he had a much easier time seeing things more concrete than abstractly. But maybe he was getting himself overwhelmed for no good reason. Maybe he should just focus on his own personality type and a correlating rune first before thinking about any others.
He had started to write down the suggestions from his classmates, but quickly abandoned that. Instead, he looked through his notes again, thinking about ISTJ traits, only looking up when Holly mentioned a rune she thought went along with that one.
Raidho? He didn't even have that one listed among his notes. Not that he necessarily disagreed, but maybe there were others that were better, especially among the ones he picked. Gunnar glanced through his notes while still turning his Teiwaz stone in his hand distractedly.
Maybe... maybe the reason he couldn't settle on one trait for that rune was because it encompassed many of the traits for ISTJ? He raised his hand. "Professor, I think I like Teiwaz for ISTJ, actually," he began, not exactly disagreeing with Holly. "Traits like discipline, responsibility, strength fit that type pretty well, I think." Though he felt like he could also make a case for Ansuz and Thurisaz as well... this was sort of difficult, but maybe he was overthinking. But maybe he should try another personality type now that he had his own out of the way. "I do too, Mr McCarthy." Professor Beryl agreed with a nod, adding it to the board.
________________ Putting it all together, using the suggestions from the students and adding a few others that she'd heard discussed throughout the lesson, a substantial list began to come together. "Well done everyone, that was a lot of hard work and concentration." She was pleased with them, collectively. With a few exceptions that she hoped to encourage later of course. "Remember our focus here is on meaning. I want you to practice drawing correlations between the meanings of the runes and the meanings of other symbolic systems so that you are better able to find meaning and interpret the runes when we begin our unit on runecasting." at least in these all-ages classes, the different levels would be focusing on other areas of rune studies. "Please copy the list if you haven't. You have a choice for your homework: choose one of the types that is not your own and either explain why you think these listed runes might match that type, or if you prefer, write a reflection in your rune journal about how learning about rune correspondences can help you practice applying your intuition about rune meanings to runecasting. Either way, at least three paragraphs please. Thank you all for your time. You are dismissed unless I've asked you to remain behind." ooc: Thank you for coming! Your character does not actually have to submit homework, just as a reminder. Maxie Anderson-Belfort (nicole black), Nina Castillo (ArianaBlack), and Austin Spencer (2111jen) have been asked to remain behind but I'll PM you guys. Everyone else can post their characters leaving if they like, or asking questions or whatever, but the thread will be closing shortly.
__________________ love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you |