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Cordelia could feel the rush of wind off the bludger as it zoomed by her while she was twirling. Phew, that was a close one. Cordelia was confident enough in her quidditch skills that she hadn’t been too worried that the bludger would hit her, but you always had to be careful. As the bludger continued on its way down the pitch, Cordelia kept an eye on it to make sure it wasn’t about to loop back around and come after her again. It seemed to be headed over to the other beater dummy. What Cordelia noticed over there by the dummy, however, was of much more interest to her than what the beater dummies were doing. As soon as she caught sight of the glinting gold ball, Cordelia pushed forward to full speed and raced to get there before anyone else could get the snitch. All the while she was still keeping an eye out for what that dummy was doing and where the bludger was. As she got closer to the dummy, Cordelia made agile movements around it. She stretched out her arm as far as she could with her hand open, and made a grab for the snitch.
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She was very aware that the dummy wasn't leaving and as she straightened out she noticed the gold, but she knew it wasn't going to be easy because the bludger was after her again. This was exhausting and unlike normal matches, she didn't have beaters helping her. She wasn't fully sure if the point was to exhaust them to find their weakness, but she wasn't going to give up. She was the seeker and she was going to prove it.
Doing another quick turn left, then right, then upward she zoomed as fast as possible away from the bludger, but kept her eye on the thing near the dummies head. Chloe knew this wasn't going to be easy, but she also knew she had to put on her best moves and things she was taught in her lessons with Uncle Alec.
With determination, she took a turn left and head straight for the dummy to play a game of chicken. Her eyes set on the snitch she kept moving quickly towards him as fast as she could. At the last second, she pulled her broom up hoping that was enough time she needed to reach the snitch, not hit the dummy (or hit it with the back of her broom), and have the bludger plow into the dummy and not her.
When that second arrived she pulled up on her broom with one hand to start upwards over the dummy, she leaned sideways with her other hand outstretched and trying to grab the snitch, and hoped for the best that the bludger would hit the dummy and not her.
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Avalon whipped her head around at the clatter as the dummies collided. Yes! Her move had worked! But as quickly as they had crashed, the dummies had recovered and were racing toward her again. Goodness, these things didn't give up! But at least she wasn't battling a bludger - yet. She tightened her grip on her broom and dipped downward, speeding toward the opposite end of the pitch. Her eyes narrowed as she caught a glint of gold. Two other girls seemed to notice it at the same time, and before long, all three of them were racing toward it - dummies still in tow. Avalon knew she was the underdog in this situation, being only a first year. But she was determined to show her classmates that she was at least capable. She just had to outfly those dummies and make that grab. The snitch was unpredictable, though. It had a mind of its own. As soon as the snitch was in grabbing distance, Avalon outstretched her arm, flexing her fingers in preparation.
A Bludger and a number of dummies were on the move and gaining speed as the three Seeker hopefuls flew right after the Golden Snitch. For those watching, whether in the stands or elsewhere on the pitch, it was most certainly an entertaining sight to behold. The dummies that had previously bumped into each other had caught up to Avalon, one of which speed up and knocked itself right into her right as she held out her hand... The dummy that Chloe was flying toward was no chicken at all, but it seen collided with a Bludger the moment she pulled up on her broom... Cordelia avoided being a part of the collision by moving around it just in time... But it was Chloe that had her hands grasped around the fluttering ball in the end.
After being caught, the Snitch was released. Not wanting to be captured again, it zoomed off very quickly to the opposite end of the pitch...
OOC: The Snitch grab was determined by a number generator. 1 - griffin, 2 - Bazinga, 3 - Fireheart; the number generated was 2. Quote:
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Charely Potter
There was much to be going on in this, as Tad took a moment to sigh in relief after avoiding the collision. He didn't relax just yet though, he didn't even have the snitch in his current sight. He could feel a brush of wind near the back of his head though which caused him to turn around... Oh no.
There was no time to waste, Tad dove downward and had a split decision. Maybe... He had to try it. The Quaffle that was falling, he attempted to scoop it up and throw it away! "Take this!" He threw it with all his might at the nearest dummy zooming towards him. They can keep it. He had a snitch he wanted to catch. But where was it?
The two dummies that hadn't collided with each other jerked their brooms to a hault and for a brief moment watched as the Quaffle feel down, down, down. For a moment it seemed as if they were at a stand-off and were eyeing each other down, waiting to see who was going to make the first move. Then, suddenly, the red ball was thrown in their direction, which caused one of them to chase after it and the remaining dummy to follow suit.
That left Thadius on his own... allowing him to hear, without question, the fluttering of wings as the golden ball zipped by on its way to the opposite end of the pitch...