Chaser posts were groups together in the Quaffle #1, Quaffle #2, Quaffle #3, Hoops #1, and Hoops #2 groups to try to help with any confusion. When in doubt, read the Narrator posts and any posts that happened afterward.
In regards to the Quaffle groups, here is who is currently in possession: Quaffle #1 - Hanna, Quaffle #2 - Avalon, Quaffle #3 - Nettie.
And just to clarify in case there was any confusion: Quaffle groups are just for passing (no need to score); think of it as Hot Potato and keep in mind that all you need to do is prevent the dummies from getting the Quaffle. Hoops groups are just for scoring, though feel free to do a bit of passing in that area to potentially confuse the dummies stationed there if there are multiple people wanting. Just be mindful of those that are posting in the same group as you (everyone should be putting in their group in the title of their post) and interact with each other. And if there's an oops, that's alright. We'll make it work.
I know that this is a different way of doing tryouts, so I thank you all for your flexibility and seeing how this works out.