Hoop #1 Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Anna and Tessa got grins, but Józef didn't really join in with the conversation - he was too focused on the fact that Nina was in the stands waving at him. And, if he wasn't mistaken, wearing his hoodie - of course, he couldn't actually see from this distance, but he was assuming it was the case. If he hadn't been so cool, he might have swooned.
Nettie got a wink when she joined the group, too. Merlin, he enjoyed winding her up.
But soon his attention was on Colin MacKenzie. It was a weird tryout set up, completely different from the last two years, and Jó wasn't sure how he felt about it. There was definitely more pressure, though - that was a given. He nodded along at the flying instructor spoke, just to show that he was paying attention.
When he kicked off, Józef headed straight for the hoops: he'd get in some goals first, and then move onto the catching/passing part. Scooping a Quaffle up into his arm, he zigzaged his way towards the hoops, hoping to distract the Dummy!Keeper. Feinting to the left, he shot the ball straight at the hoop.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽