Thread: Seeker Tryouts
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Old 05-13-2019, 12:59 PM   #22 (permalink)
The Narrator
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The Narrator
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Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Avalon narrowed her eyes as the twelve dummies took off flying around the pitch. She had to keep a close eye on them - she had a feeling MacKenzie had enchanted them to act as both offenders and defenders. Scanning her eyes around the pitch for the glint of gold, she heard a bit of a scuffle behind her. She whipped her head around to find two dummies gaining on her. Avalon leaned her head forward and sped up, relishing the feeling of the wind in her hair. But the dummies seemed to gain speed as well, and before long, they were moving closer and closer to each other, and to her. Yikes! She had to think fast. Should she fake them out? They were getting pretty close to her -- maybe they'd fall for a trick. Avalon gulped in anticipation as she tilted the nose of her broom downward for a split second. As soon as she felt herself descending, she jerked her broom back up and zoomed in the direction of the sky, mentally crossing her fingers that she'd lost the dummies.
The two dummies on Avalon's tail only in closer and closer, both awaiting an opportune time to merge together. However, just as they were about to do collide, there was nothing to collide into besides themselves. For a moment their movements seemed to give off the vibe that they were perplexed. But soon their brooms jerked upward and they made their ascent. They weren't going to be shaken off so easily.

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Nettie already felt like something was up as soon as the dummy started flying next to her. Whether it was a dummy or a real player, if they were tailing along next to her, SOMETHING was up. That was why when the dummy swerved and tried to knock her off course, her first instinct was to push down on her broom. She managed to get out of its way by ducking underneath it, flying under its path so it wasn't colliding in to her.

Her eyes immediately started scanning the pitch as the action started, looking for a glimmer of gold somewhere amongst the chaos. So far, nothing. Still, her eyes continued to move up and down, left to right, while also trying to put as much distance as she could between herself and the dummy who seemed out for her blood.
Ducking under the dummy seemed to have worked out in Trinetta's favour... for a little while. As she looks around for the Snitch, the dummy makes a sudden movement downward as something gold flutters nearby for a moment... it flies above the dummy for a split second before zipping off down the pitch... the dummy, unfazed, continues to move down...

Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
Taddy on one hand was glad it wasn't too bright out, since the glare of the sun would no doubt make sighting the snitch more difficult. It was afternoon though so it was no where near showing signs of darkening.

Come on... He glanced in every direction, noticing the dummies flying about with all the balls in the air. Things were getting interesting now. He noticed two with the Quaffle passing back and forth. He took a moment to check other directions to see the snitch before hearing the passing of the Quaffle get louder...

"Woah!" Taddy could see one of them not showing any signs of stopping or flying elsewhere. So Tad steered his broom upward to fly over the dummy. They weren't too close enough for him to make it difficult to avoid, but at the same time it was getting there. He sighed. He had a feeling this wouldn't be the first time he'll need to keep an extra watch out for others.
Three dummies proved to not be problematic. The fourth, however, was testing Thadius. Fortunately, the boy moves just in the nick of time... only the three dummies from before had changed their course when another gained possession of the Quaffle. The fourth dummy collides with the dummy with the Quaffle, causing the red ball to leave its fingertips... the ball quickly falls... nearly hitting the back of Thadius' head... two dummies zoom forward with only one thing on their metallic minds...

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Helllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dummies!

It wasn't long after she was in the air that she saw them and some of them really seemed to be getting aggressive quick. Seeing one that she wasn't sure if it was following her or not she decided she would keep an eye on it, but not enough that it distracted her from her goal, the snitch. She would get the snitch and she would her spot.

After she realized what she thought might be a snitch wasn't she glanced over and saw the ones going after Tad, "Watch out TAD!" Even if he was after her spot he was still her friend and still her teammate, she couldn't have him hurt. What would his dad think if she just let him get it by these things.

Green eyes open she looked for the snitch, come on, come on, where was it? Her eyes fell on the first years a little worried about them, but if they were trying out they had to be ready for anything. Those bludgers were quite hard at times.

Something caught her eye, but it wasn't a good thing. Chloe's eyes grew wide ad she felt a chill as she saw the bludger coming at her. Flashbacks were a thing at the moment and she didn't have time for it. Shaking her head she pointed her broom down word and started falling fast and took a hard left before lifting her handle to shoot up away from the bludger.

Not today dummy, not today.
The movement downward happens just in time, causing the Bludger to continue moving down the pitch. However, it soon loops back, courtesy of a batted dummy, this time with a vengeance. This one wouldn't be so easy to avoid. The batted dummy chasing after was going to make sure of that. It knew that Chloe, as well as the others, wanted the gold ball that was now flying near its head...

Originally Posted by griffin View Post
So far, so good. Cordelia was of course primarily focused on finding the snitch, but the actions of the dummies did not go unnoticed. At all times she was aware of her surroundings. It seemed that the dummies were replicating opposing teams in a quidditch match, some on her team who were just going about their business trying to get the quaffle, and some on the opposing team who were trying to get in her way or distract her. Occasionally, Cordelia glanced over her shoulder to make sure she didn’t miss anything behind her. There was one dummy in particular that seemed to be out to get her right now. Oh no, incoming bludger! As soon as she noticed the bludger coming up behind her, Cordelia immediately began evasive maneuvers. She zig zagged to try to get away from it and then twirled around on her broomstick. Hopefully that was enough to lose the bludger.
The smack of the Bludger caused the dummy that hit it to be rather satisfied with its work. It didn't follow, though the black ball wasn't easily shaken. For a while it followed, repeating the zigzagging movements. But the twirl Cordelia made was not something that it could predict. It soared right past, moving toward the other batted dummy that was trailing after Chloe... its bat still brandished,... the Snitch still fluttering by its head...
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