Avalon listened intently as her classmates answered Professor Sissay's question. They had some very intelligent responses. While she had formed some ideas in her head, she heard a few different versions of them being relayed by her peers. She didn't want to be too repetitive in her answer to the professor, but she felt like she had a few valid points. She had overheard her father discussing arithmancy in a work-related capacity, so she was somewhat familiar with its uses. Avalon politely raised her hand. "Hello! My name is Avalon Sinclair. First-year Ravenclaw," she said, introducing herself to the professor as instructed. "From what I understand, arithmancy is often used in conjunction with other spells or charms to enhance their effectiveness and their ability to predict future outcomes." It wasn't the most specific answer, but it was what she remembered her father talking about. "And this might sound obvious, but in order to use arithmancy, you need some sort of guide or key that shows you what each number means or corresponds to. After all, calculating the numbers wouldn't do much good if you didn't know what the outcome meant." Hopefully that answer would suffice. She didn't want to be wrong on her first answer of the class! That surely wouldn't make a great impression.