Had she mentioned yet that Runes was super confusing to her?
Runes was super confusion to her, but this was interesting. Finding out personality thing was very interesting. She watched Gunnar and heard the boot say different than she was, but what did that really mean? Were they very different? This confused her and made her think about what possibly it all meant.
Anyway, when the professor started to talk Chloe was trying to listen. She looked at the handout and smiled. All these words matched her, so that was good. She quickly wrote down a few that jumped out at her;
Originally Posted by notes
Those were good ones, yes, she really liked them, but now, now it was time to bring that Runes stuff in. Couldn't they just stick with words that made sense? She looked around hoping maybe she could ask someone, but everyone seemed busy. Biting her lip she looked at the words again.
She could do this.... She could find this...