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Huh. Healer too? She would be lying to say how runes and healing worked together didn't fascinate her. They did. But it didn't appear that was what they would be focusing on today. Personalities. Hanna had jotted down the four letters spoken by the boot, along with her name, and now had a quick read over the handouts to see what it said about her. ISFJ. Most of it sounded relatable.
With a textbook from the front of the class, Hanna headed back to spread it open to her personality, as well as her runic dictionary and her runeset. What words might she associate with her, and her personality?
She had one hand in her hair as she tried to piece together the runes and interpret them into the different traits her personality might have.
And it appeared Ewan was having the same confusion, perhaps. She looked over at his work. "Fehu... hmm..." she looked over at the rune in the dictionary and tried to piece it with what he had written. "I don't know about Fehu but that's the wonder of interpretation. People aren't always on the same though." She looked back over at her work, because she felt like she could relate to the Hands-on, and getting stuck into things of interest. "It sounds a bit like persistent... well, kind of. Maybe Wunjo, because if it's something of interest it brings joy, but also if you're getting stuck into it, you might also go 'over the top', like me."
Giving a small glance over to Hanna’s work, he smiled back to her and shrugged a little, unsure if they were interpreting their runes or traits the same. [B]”I’m not sure, I thought ‘Fehu’ was to do with possessions earned whereas Wunjo looks at spiritual rewards? I guess if you’re working hard at something a little more spiritual, it could work?” [B/] pausing now slightly to look back and check to see if he’d read it correctly.
”I mean, I can get a little competitive at times so that wouldn’t be too far fetched but still, it could be a lot worse” which was very true. He loved to play things for fun but losing? Nope. Trying anything but your best was just not an option for him.
Giving a small snort of amusement, he turned back to Hanna and pointed to the ‘Wunjo’ part in the textbook
”Look at the negative effects. I mean. Raging frenzy and berserker…” Ewan couldn’t help but feel slightly amused at those drawbacks, what with everything in the wizarding world always coming with a catch 22. Casting a look at her work again, he couldn’t help but focus on ‘Ansuz’
” The insight part does sound rather accurate for observant but” pausing briefly o find the correct part, he continued
”but delusion and manipulation by others? Just a barrel of laughs these runes are” .