Work in Progress! ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun  Graphic by Me
Font Color: #3cb371
>> VITALS FULL NAME Sebastian Aeron De Luca NICKNAMES Bast, Seb, Sebi, Basti AGE 18 DATE OF BIRTH February 10th, 2084 PLACE OF BIRTH Florence, Italy PLACE OF RESIDENCE London, England BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood HOGWARTS HOUSE Hufflepuff HOGWARTS YEAR Graduated CLASS OF 2102 PERSONALITY TYPE WAND TYPE 11" Elm with a Phoenix feather core, slightly springy.  >> EDUCATION EDUCATION TO DATE Completed First through third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry OWLs N/A NEWTs N/A ACHIEVEMENTS LANGUAGES SPOKEN English & Italian >> APPEARANCEHAIR COLOUR Dark Brown EYE COLOUR Hazel HEIGHT 6 ft (and growing!) MODEL Noah Centineo >> PERSONALITYSebastian is an outgoing, fun loving, laid back guy. He has a passion for animals, defensive magic, and is a typical Hufflepuff. He can have a bit of temper when tested. He is very kind and caring person but when his loyalties have been betrayed, you will lose his friendship. But he also believes in second chances as long as you prove worthy. Though very much an extrovert, he enjoys being alone and having time to himself. He is a very optimist and happy person, so it's very rare to see him sad. But he also has some anxiety issues that he is working on. LIKES Animals of every species, magical and non-magical; Leather jackets; Pizza; Guitars; Motorcycles; Ice cream; Quidditch; The Outdoors; The Beach; and much more! DISLIKES People who harm animals; Peppers of any kind; Disloyalty; Intolerance; Disrespect; Dishonesty; and many other things! STRENGTHS DADA; CoMC; loyalty; honesty; kindness; can make a friend out of everyone he meets; WEAKNESSES Ancient Runes; Arithmancy; math; family and friends; chocolate; overprotective; BEST FRIEND Kamryn Keighley INSTRUMENTS PLAYED Guitar, Piano, Drums, and Sings >> FAMILY GRANDPARENTS
- Giuseppe De Luca and Sofia De Luca (Nee Rinaldi)
- Paternal Grandparents unknownAeron Wayland and Tessa Wayland (Nee Davies) (Both Deceased) PARENTS
- Mother: Valentina Louisa Evans (Nee De Luca) Step Dad: William Evans
- Father: Unknown Tristan Wayland (never knew) HALF SIBLINGS Gianna Sofia Evans (10), Rafael William Evans (6) EXTENDED FAMILY PETS Black Cat named Nox and a Snowy Owl named Lumos >> BACKGROUND
SIXTH YEAR // PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT >> SIGNATURE  >> EXTRA- Post colour – This green color.
- Orientation - Bisexual
- Relationship Status – Single Pringle
- Boggart – A faceless man
- Patronus - Still working on it!
- Amortentia - Salty air; Coconut; Garlic; Denim
- Allergies - None
- Role Model(s) - Newt Scamander; Albus Dumbledore
* Template credit to Shanners.
* Image credit to Me, Suziella.
* Wand Graphic Credit to: Donis Wands, Inc
__________________ ⫷ ⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to... 
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸ ⫸
Last edited by Suziella; 08-16-2020 at 07:28 AM.