Avalon smoothed down her hair as she entered the arithmancy classroom. The wind this morning was not a good match for her meticulously styled locks! She tucked a stay strand that had fallen loose from her braid behind her ear and scanned the classroom for an empty seat. She liked sitting on the aisle, because it meant for a quick escape if anything were to go awry. After spotting an empty end seat toward the front of the room, Avalon gave the professor a polite smile and nod as to say hello. She didn't want to seem too overeager by greeting the professor with a hearty "good morning" phrase.
Her eyes narrowed in curiosity as she noticed the strange collection of objects on Professor Sissay's desk -- specifically the tiny elephants. What in the world did they have to do with arithmancy? Avalon had to admit that this subject was the one that she was looking forward to the least. But thankfully, it seemed like the professor would try to make things interesting.