PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): Her spot being one seat away from the end of the table meant that Ayana could not join in on the sauce discussion unless she wanted to raise her voice, which suited her just fine. She was not a fan of either. The only thing the discussion does is remind her of yet another thing she'll miss about Uagadou, and being at home - no injera at Hogwarts. None at all. It was enough to consume her with a debilitating sense of sadness. Luckily for her, the arrival of the Astronomy professor, coupled with Thereos' curious claims and Carmine's worrying sneeze attack, quickly pulled Ayana out of her funk. "Ayana Sissay, Arithmancy," she quipped back with a smile at the woman, and offered Carmine an additional handkerchief should she need it. "Bless you! Allergies?
Ah, but then Headmaster Trent began addressing the students and a silence fell over the hall. Ayana gently smiled towards the sea of students as she was named the new Arithmancy professor, and studied their faces until Trent's speech was over. Though, the speech certainly raised some questions for her, and she made a mental note to inquire about them at a later date. Locked doors and forbidden forests first, poorly planned pranks second.
Regardless of all that, she was genuinely excited to be here, and as the food appeared on their tables she grinned. What a neat little system. Perhaps the absence of injera was not the end of the world. Perhaps she could get used to the food served at Hogwarts. Perhaps- by Hypatia, what in the numbers was that? Ayana peered at the serving plate containing something fried with deep distrust. Hmm. Perhaps this would take a while.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |