Text Cut: Dorian, Hanna and Avalon Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi While he waited for Taddy and Hanna to speak about their summers, Dorian got distracted as the other House members joined the table. He nodded his head to Ewan and replied with a "It was okay" to his question. As Nettie approached, he held up his hand in a kind of wave without actually waving it to greet her back and then turned his attention to the newest Ravenclaw. He mentally noted that her name was Analiese. "Hey Analiese,, i'm Dorian" he greeted with a small smile which turned in to a chucle as he heard her question about how big Hogwart was cause it was such an innocent question and it reminded him of another first year he had met during his trip to Diagon Alley. He wondered which House that kid got sorted in to.....
As he looked around the room, his blue eyes scanned the tables but with everyone walking, trying to get a seat and the students getting sorted meant that he wasn't able to find him yet. Next, he looked over at the staff table and noticed that there were many changes this year. He did let out a sigh of relief that his Head of House was still there though. Wait.....did he see that right? "Are we getting a centaur as a professor?" He asked to no one in particular. "Interesting..." Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart Avalon beamed as she made her way to the Ravenclaw table. So this would be her house family for the next few years! As she slid into an empty spot on the bench, she suddenly became a bit nervous. She wanted to make friends and get to know the others in her house, but she didn't want to come across as too eager. Thankfully, she noticed the first year girl from her boat, Analiese, sitting a few spots down from her. Avalon gave her a wave and a smile. "Hey Analiese! It's good to see a familiar face -- I was terrified I wouldn't know anybody in my new house." Not that that was necessarily a bad thing. Avalon did enjoy meeting new people. She glanced around the rest of her table at her housemates. Hopefully she would get to know more of them soon...she just had to think of a way to start a conversation. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Hanna clapped loudly with each new Ravenclaw student, and gave Analiese and Avalon a warm smile when they came to join the table. "Hi there," Hanna said to both of them. "Welcome to Ravenclaw! I'm Hanna."
She overheard the question about the castle Analiese asked and nodded, "It's huuuuuuge. I'm certain there's a huge amount I haven't even seen and I'm in my fifth year." But exploration was always a fun part of living in the huge castle that was Hogwarts.
Analiese beamed at everyone who greeted and welcomed her. "Oh hi Avalon!" She spotted a girl she knew a few seats away from her. She then turned towards an older girl who was giving an answer to her question. "Nice to meet you Hanna! I'm Analiese! Good to know it's very big. And is that exactly a good thing or a bad thing that it's so huge?"
Analiese turned towards the front of the hall and continued watching the sorting. She saw Austin getting sorted into Slytherin... Wait. Austin in Slytherin? That didn't seem right. Analiese merely shrugged and carried on watching. And then a girl called Aoife was sorted into Gryffindor. And so on.
Last edited by SneakySeverusSnape; 05-04-2019 at 12:05 PM.