At least the girl seemed friendly! And she seemed to know a bit about fashion, too, judging by the looks of her nice outfit.
"Nice to meet you, Alba. I'm Avalon," she said, shaking the girl's hand. She noticed Alba glance down at her ballet flats.
"I picked the worst possible shoe choice for a day like today." Avalon looked disapprovingly at the mud caked onto her black flats.
"But I guess when I think about it, hiking boots with this skirt wouldn't exactly be my idea of fashion." She laughed lightly as she turned to the boy, who was in the process of scribbling something in his notebook. He turned it around to show the girls.
Austin. Interesting. Not very talkative then. She gave him a smile, hoping to hide a little bit of the awkwardness she was feeling. She wasn't quite sure what to say next.
Thankfully, Avalon was interrupted by another girl hopping into their boat. She seemed to already know Austin. And judging by the tone of her voice and unsure look on her face, Avalon suspected she was feeling a bit awkward as well. Good - someone to possibly commiserate with!
"Hey Analiese. I'm Avalon," she said as a fat raindrop landed on her cheek. She winced as the cold water slid down her face. Wiping it away with her sleeve, she exclaimed,
"What are the odds! All of our names begin with the letter A!" As soon as the words left her mouth, she wanted to jump off the boat to escape her embarrassment. What a lame thing to say. Who even would care about something like that? Suppressing a cringe, Avalon quickly changed the subject.
"What is everyone most excited for at Hogwarts?"