Avalon beamed as she made her way to the Ravenclaw table. So this would be her house family for the next few years! As she slid into an empty spot on the bench, she suddenly became a bit nervous. She wanted to make friends and get to know the others in her house, but she didn't want to come across as too eager. Thankfully, she noticed the first year girl from her boat, Analiese, sitting a few spots down from her. Avalon gave her a wave and a smile. "Hey Analiese! It's good to see a familiar face -- I was terrified I wouldn't know anybody in my new house." Not that that was necessarily a bad thing. Avalon did enjoy meeting new people. She glanced around the rest of her table at her housemates. Hopefully she would get to know more of them soon...she just had to think of a way to start a conversation.