Originally Posted by
Krel Ansell
Sammy was feeling a bit overwhelmed (and hungry, but then, when wasn’t he hungry?) He approached the Gryffindor Table not really knowing where to sit, or what to do. Most people appeared to already be engaged in conversations with established mates. His traveling companion from the train was nowhere to be seen, and while it would have been nice to sit with someone he kinda knew, he didn’t really want to deal with her oddities at the moment.
So he approached and slipped into a spot at the table near some students that appeared to be his age. He hoped he had guessed right because he’d hate to be seated with the 6th years or something. He wasn’t the greatest judge of – well, anything. ”Hello,” he offered. His voice had a slight Russian accent, as if he knew the language but didn’t speak it often
Waving at all the familiar faces around the Puff, Claw and snake table her eyes turned back to a boy who appear to be her age and smiled.
"Hello, are you new here? If so welcome to Hogwarts and Gryffindor!" she said happily. Honestly she loved being a lion it was the best, but all houses seem amazing.
"Oh... so rude of me I'm Stella, I'm a third year and obviously a Gryffindor. " she said chuckling.
" If anyone is hungry I got some cookies and stuff in my bag." she offered. She wasn't going to go hungry like last time, good heavens she was so hungry after the feast last time she wasn't feeling good the next morning. Oh... that was probably because of the 'love' potion she was under. Shaking her head she laughed at the memory of it, ah... wonder what this start of term feast was going to bring.
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch
Eleanor had made sure that Simon was comfy in his rat carrier before she had left him with her backpack and trunk. She had very reluctantly left him with her other belongings since she didn’t know if Hogwarts allowed pets in the great hall. He and Ollie were her only safety nets at school since she really didn’t know anyone in this new school if you didn’t count Samuil that she had met on the train.
With nervous steps and wearing her new Gryffindor coloured red and gold school robes after being sorted by the mouthy sorting hat to the cheers of lots of students Ellie had gone to the side to wait for her brother to be sorted after her. In a overwhelmed daze she watched as Ollie got sorted into Ravenclaw. They weren’t going to be in the same house. Not fair. Feeling her twin stick his hand in hers Ellie walked with him down towards the tables trying to not have a drama moment.
Stopping near the Gryffindor table she gave Ollie’s hand a comforting squeeze and whispered in his ear that they’d meet after breakfast tomorrow morning and catch up. Releasing her grip on her brother she turned to her new housemates and gulped down nervously. With a shaky breath she walked the few steps to the table and looked around at the girl’s and boy present plastering on a big smile glad to see at least two familiar faces in Samuil and Stella. “Hi everyone! I’m Eleanor, I’m a new transfer into third year. Can I sit anywhere or is there a seating arrangement? Is the sorting hat usually very vocal?”
Hearing Eleanor, her sky blue eyes looked at her and chuckled.
"Hey Ellie, nah... you can sit anywhere you want to, as for the hat yeah he's a bit chatty wait until the speech comes..." she said rolling her eyes. That was the longest part she thought, the sorting was quick compared to the speech the Headmaster gave, and always took forever, she just wanted to talk to her friends and boyfriend and eat!
"Did you have a good rest of the summer Ellie?" she adked her curiously. She was always curious about other's summers and how they went, hopefully they all went good and well for them.