SPOILER!!: Austin and Avalon <3
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Austin tried to get in a boat alone but failed. He half shrugged. What ever. He grinned, a boat ride to the castle? This is great! His dad had told him about it but he didn't think it would be this cool. He glanced at his neigour. A young girl. She looked nervous. He quickly wrote something down on his notebook.
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Avalon breathed a sigh of relief as the boats came into view. She was
not expecting to have to hike down that steep path, let alone in the rain. If she had known the first years were going to go off-roading, she would have worn more suitable clothing. Her skirt and ballet flats didn't do much for her against the muddy terrain. Shaking out her poncho, she approached a boat with two other first years already seated. Might as well start to make some friends before the school year officially begins.
"Beautiful weather we're having. Welcome to Hogwarts, right?" Avalon quipped sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she clambered into the boat.
"I don't think I met either of you on the train. I'm Avalon," she said, giving the girl and the boy a quick wave. She suppressed a shiver. It was
cold out here. She couldn't wait to enter the warmth of the Great Hall...she could just barely make out the twinkling lights from the castle in the distance.
Alba sat straighter when the boy approached, correctly assuming he'd choose to sit next to her. Why wouldn't he? He seemed happier to be there than she was, but she was just
itching to get inside and be SORTED. Smiling out of more politeness than her usual warmth (she was
excited, okay, and being excited was a full-body emotion), the first year greeted the new arrival.
"Hello! It's good to see another face. I always get to things so early. My name is Albertine, but you can call me Alba."
He didn't seem to be paying attention to her though. Instead the boy took out a spectacularly un-soaked notebook and began writing something down. Oooh. Mysterious, was he? Her dreams were stifled some when she actually read the note.
"No offense, but I don't know who your dad is, how truthful he is, or how many times he has been fortunate enough to ride these boats. Or what outfit he was wearing. So like...not much comfort, my friend." Err...probably shouldn't have included that tidbit about the outfit.
Time for a subject change!
"That's a neat notebook. Do you have it spelled to not get wet?"
Just as Alba spoke, another student arrived. This time it was a girl. Yay! Like Alba, she wasn't dressed for the activities they were participating in. Alba gave her ballet flats a knowing, empathetic look. Those would be tricky to clean back to a good shine without magic, and they hadn't been taught any cleaning spells yet. And she was sarcastic to boot! Alba felt a weight lift off her shoulders now that people were here.
"Hello, friend! I'm Albertine, or just Alba, and this is...." Hmm. She looked back at Austin apologetically.
"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?"