Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Suffice it to say, Kaiser was now so focused on the thought of the food at the feast that he had only offered his surroundings the most cursory of glances, and as such was completely unaware of the presence of the headmaster. Until he spoke, that is, at which point Kaiser gave a great start of surprise, followed by a wince. He stopped dead on the stairs, looking very much the rabbit in the wandlight, and automatically shoved his hands into his pockets. "Uhhh..." Kaiser replied oh-so-intelligently, blinking at Trent and trying to think quickly, but failing on that score, hunger and exhaustion getting the better of him. Aside from not knowing if finding his own way to school would get him into trouble, he also wasn't terribly convinced that his general appearance (which he was becoming increasingly more self-conscious of now that he was in the company of a much cleaner headmaster and other students traipsing towards the Great Hall) wouldn't raise some awkward questions.
No genius ideas were springing to mind, and Kaiser cursed his lack of foresight; it hadn't for a moment occurred to him that the headmaster would know when someone hadn't made it onto the train, and he'd been so focused on getting himself to the feast he'd not really thought of what he might say to any professor that might have seen him when he got there. In the end he decided that it was best to just give... as little information as possible. "Sorry..." For the worry, you know. "I... missed the train."
By the way, it was very disorienting to suddenly be here, when not an hour ago he'd been back in London, operating under the assumption that it was still 30th August.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |