• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Taddy arrived at the Great Hall following the ride through the carriages up to the castle. He didn't know what to full expect this term at Hogwarts. Auntie Elisa mentioned something about taking more classes and getting to choose which ones. He definitely wanted to play with creatures more for one. He was thinking over all the classes by the time he sat down. "Hi Dorian." Offering a kind smile, "Had an alright summer?"
Taddy had some time before the first years arrive. His little sister Daisy would be one of them. Whatever house she ended up in he would be the supportive big brother to her. Meanwhile... there was a centaur at the staff table. He stared curiously at them for some time. Should he mention it aloud? He shrugged it off until then. |