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Drewett had indeed made himself as comfortable as possible, letting him stretch his legs across the seat and enjoying his alone time for the meantime. He had retrieved a book, one about astronomy and time travel theories, from his bag. He had been meaning to finish it before the summer ended but was unable to do so considering he had to do a bit of last minute packing for the term and panicking for Brian's wedding. The Ravenclaw still couldn't believe his tutor was now married. Time flies, indeed.
The fifteen year old flipped through the book, looking for his bookmark to continue reading, when his attention was brought to the compartment door after hearing a tap against the glass. Drewett smiled as he raised a hand to wave at the person on the other side of the door. "Rylee," he greeted, pulling his legs closer to himself to sit more properly. "Would you like t-to join me?" He had a lot of space in his compartment, as she could see. Save for his sleeping owl in his cage, at least.
Rylee smiled all the more when she was noticed and waved inside the compartment. Sliding the door open more fully she stepped inside, allowing it to slide shut again behind her.
"I would but if you're reading right now I can stop in again a little later on?" If he wanted to read his book that was okay with her. With how long the train ride to Hogwarts was she could easily stop at every compartment and talk to all her friends with waaaaaaay than enough time to return and join him later.
Lamb seemed to have other ideas however. The cat jumped down from her arms and onto the seat beside Drew where he sat down as if silently waiting for him to pet him.
"I think Lamb missed you," Rylee laughed softly watching her cat how now meowed quietly, stretching a paw out towards Drew but falling short of actually touching him. No need to worry either, no claws involved, just a small fluffy white paw.