Thread: Quidditch World Cup: Food & Merchandise Stands
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Old 04-27-2019, 01:00 PM   #56 (permalink)
Krel Ansell

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Text Cut: Sachin :-*
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Sachin was pleased. He liked that Conley was open to trying new foods. Then again, with the jobs they held respectively, it came with the territory. Travelling to various countries at times definitely warranted for them to eat new foods. He himself was quite used to spicy foods, having grown up eating them. And he was careful not to let his rosette get dirty. Sachin smiled his thanks at Conley. If the man said he looked great, then he did.

“Yes, that’s a good idea.” Part of him hoped the match would last a really long time while the other part just wanted it to be a short but really competitive match. Sachin glanced towards the Meet and Greet tent. There was still a crowd there. “Let’s find our seats.’’ The Ambassador was now very occupied with eating the naan.

Conley watched Sachin devouring the spicy cheese bread stuff and smiled. The man did love his food. ”Let’s grab something to eat later in the stands,” he said walking past one more stall. ”Then we can get our seats. Don’t want to miss any part of England’s win. I want to lord it over you while we’re eating Escargots a la Bourguignonne.”

Part of him hoped that India would win. He’d be interested to see what and where Sachin would want to go for his dinner. He stopped at a stand, bought a couple of veggie pasties (to be on the safe side since Sachin didn’t eat beef). ”Alright,” he said finishing off the slice of nann in his hand. ”Let’s head up, I think we have a long climb ahead of us.”
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