Ally / Rylee <3 Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up Drewett was one of the first few who didn't waste no time in getting on the Hogwarts Express. Save for a few farewells and hugs that he felt he needed to give to Mrs. Stemp before leaving, he was all set to start his fifth year. He had everything he needed in his trunk, and even set aside things and food to keep him company throughout the train ride. The summer did him well, and he was able to unwind from the shenanigans at Hogwarts. He hoped for a better term this time.
After making sure his bags were all at the luggage compartment, Drewett made his way to the front cars and looked for an empty compartment. He didn't mind sharing, but he usually liked getting a car for himself and letting others join him. Once he did, he slid the door open and placed Pietro's cage gently on the floor. His owl was half-sleeping, and he hoped he would stay that way for the duration of the ride. Drewett made himself comfortable as he waited for the train to leave.
__________________ It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling... |